Chapter Eleven

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Jefferson peeked through the window, tears streaming down his face. Hamilton was in a hospital room, and as more doctors rushed in, the more worried he got. They were all blocking Hamilton, but when Jefferson caught a glimpse of him, he looked dead.

He stared at the EKG, praying that it wouldn't flatline.

Someone pulled him away from the door and sat him down on an uncomfortable chair. It was Angelica.

"Okay," she said. "I know you're scared, we all are. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't suck it up and stay strong for Alexander. I mean, the toughest guy in our college is weeping. Literally weeping. Can't you just stay strong for this one thing, to calm Alexander down? To calm us down?" Jefferson took a deep breath, wiped his tears, and nodded.

Lafayette sat next to Jefferson and rubbed his back, covering Jefferson's eyes whenever more doctors would go in.

Then it came. It was loud and clear.

The flatline.

One long beep.

It terrified Jefferson. He jumped out of Lafayette's arms but Laurens held him back. "No!" Jefferson screamed. "Help him!" He started sobbing and fell into Laurens's arms. Everyone was silent, and beneath all of Jefferson's sadness, he was a little embarrassed.

Was he overreacting? Not even in movies did he see the patient's loved one scream at the doctors like that.

Maybe he just loved Hamilton like no other.

Around an hour later, a bunch of doctors left until one was left. He soon came out of the room facing the friends, and everyone stood up. He had a neutral look on his face, one none of them could decipher.

"He lived," the doctor smiled. Everyone exhaled. "And I have more good news. Mr. Hamilton's life has actually been stretched. This shut down must've been his body preparing to live longer than assigned. We haven't calculated anything yet, but we know he has more than twenty years left." Peggy laughed with relief. "I'm guessing the family wants to come in first?"

The friends grew silent. "He has no family here," Jefferson blurted out. The doctor nodded.

"Then a husband? Wife? Loved one?" The doctor asked. Jefferson smiled and entered.

"I'm his boyfriend." The doctor closed the door when Jefferson walked in. He sat on a chair next to Hamilton's bed. Hamilton immediately woke up when Jefferson held his hand.

"What happened?" Hamilton asked, his voice just above a whisper.

"You almost died," Jefferson said, smiling wide.

"Then why are you smiling, Tommy?" Hamilton slightly chuckled.

"Well, the reason you almost died, was--as the doctor said--your body was preparing to live longer than assigned," Jefferson explained. Hamilton's eyes widened. "They haven't calculated anything yet, but you have over twenty years left! We can do whatever we want, Alex! We can get married if you want, start a family! Don't you want that?" Hamilton was silent. "Lex?"

"All that time..." Hamilton said sadly. "All that time I spent crying and yelling... it was all for nothing." Jefferson cocked his head to the side.

"Aren't you... aren't you happy?" Jefferson asked. "Didn't you hear what I said? You can graduate college, get a job, even have enough time to become a famous author, if you want. And you can--"

"I heard you, Thomas," Hamilton interrupted. "I just need a moment." Jefferson let go of Hamilton's hand. They were silent for a while, until Hamilton said, "Okay. I've thought about it, and I am happy." Jefferson smiled. He kissed Hamilton until the doctor came in.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but Mr. Hamilton, you are free to go when you please," the doctor said.

"Thank you, doctor," Hamilton said. When the doctor left, Hamilton changed into his clothes and walked out of the room, Jefferson escorting him. His friends bombarded him with hugs and "I was so worried"s.


Jefferson stood in his bedroom, a small case in his hand with a ring in it. He'd just gotten it a few weeks before, but he was never ready.

Now, he thought he was.

Hamilton was sitting on the couch watching Cabaret when Jefferson came in. Maybe This Time had just begun, and it seemed like the perfect song for what was about to happen.

Maybe this time, Liza Minelli sang, I'll be lucky.

Jefferson stood in front of Hamilton. "Tommy, you're blocking the TV, this is my favorite song!" Hamilton said, his mouth full of Cheetos.

"I have something to ask you," Jefferson said.

Maybe this time, he'll stay.

"Yeah what is it?" Hamilton asked, stuffing more Cheetos into his mouth. Jefferson slowly got down on one knee as Hamilton's eyes widened and he swallowed his Cheetos.

Maybe this time, for the first time, love won't hurry away.

"Alexander Hamilton, you make me the happiest I've ever been," Jefferson said. Hamilton started quietly crying.

He will hold me fast. I'll be home at last. Not a loser anymore, like the last time and the time before.

"You've made me feel things I've never felt before, and your butt is da bomb," Jefferson smiled. Hamilton laughed through his tears.

"I like the Brooklyn Nine-Nine reference," Hamilton said.

Everybody loves a winner, so nobody loved me. 'Lady Peaceful,' 'Lady Happy,' that's what I long to be.

"I love you more than I love anything and anyone else. So, I'm asking you..." He pulled out the ring box and opened it.

Well, all the odds are, they're in my favor. Something's bound to begin!

"Will you marry me?"

It's gotta happen, happen sometime. Maybe this time I'll win.

"It doesn't have to happen next month, next year, or even for the next five years but..." Hamilton bit his lip and smiled wider.

'Cause, everybody loves a winner, so nobody loved me. 'Lady Peaceful,' 'Lady Happy,' that's what I long to be.

"Will you consider it?" Jefferson asked. Hamilton kissed Jefferson.

Well, all the odds are, they're in my favor. Something's bound to begin! It's gotta happen, happen sometime! Maybe this time...

"Yes," Hamilton said, kissing Jefferson again. "I will!"

Maybe this time I'll win!

Later, both finished Cabaret together, talking the entire time about how sweet and slightly awkward Jefferson's proposal was.

And they had never been happier.

They were engaged and going to get married.

I Think I Love You-Hamilton AU [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now