Chapter Two

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Hamilton yawned. He had been working for what felt like two days now, and it probably had been. Everything around him was spinning and slightly blurry. He checked the time and made out the numbers "8" "3" and "7" in that order, so it was either morning or evening. He looked out the window and to the dark night sky.


Jefferson knocked but came in before Hamilton could say anything and handed him a cup of coffee. Hamilton waved at the desk, telling him to put it there. Hamilton took a huge gulp of the dark liquid and set it back down.

"You feeling okay?" Jefferson asked. "You look like you're about to pass out."

"I'm feeling fine," Hamilton slurred. Jefferson rolled his eyes.

"The way you're talking says otherwise," he said, closing Hamilton's laptop.

Hamilton whined and said, "No, stop Jefferson! I need to finish my work..." He started dozing off as Jefferson helped him up and to his bed. Jefferson walked to the door before Hamilton called out, "Wait, please stay!" Jefferson sighed and lied beside Hamilton in confusion. How is he still awake? he pondered. And I thought he hated me...

"Hamilton?" Jefferson wanted to ask why Hamilton had asked him to stay, why he was working so hard, and how he felt about having so little time left. He wanted to be like his therapist, but Hamilton was already asleep.


Jefferson was up before Hamilton, which was unusual. Hamilton was normally up by 7:30, and it was now 8:13. Jefferson made a pot of coffee and sat at the counter with his mug that said "Don't fuck with me, I'm not a morning person" in bold letters. Jefferson wondered why he had cared so much about Hamilton the night before. He hated him with all his guts...


Hamilton shuffled into the kitchen part of their dorm wearing a dark green hoodie that was way too large for him, black sweatpants, and a cloth headband that was pulling back his messy hair. He looked angry.

"Why is our kitchen connected to our living room?" he yelled. He plopped in the seat next to Jefferson and said, "Where's my coffee?" Jefferson smirked and grabbed him a mug.

"Get it yourself," he snarled. Hamilton dramatically sighed and poured himself a cup and sat back in his seat. He stared at his coffee for a second, then looked at Jefferson. He stared deep into his eyes before quickly looking away. Both of them looked flustered.

"So, about last night..." Jefferson started. Hamilton snapped his head up and opened his mouth but Jefferson cut him off. "Don't feel awkward, you were just tired." Hamilton nodded. Thank God Jefferson didn't figure it out.

Normally, this would be the part where Peggy knocked on the door and distracted them from the awkwardness, but for some reason, she didn't. Jefferson seemed to notice, for he opened the door and looked down the hall for a pair of lemon yellow converses and black knee-high socks. But she wasn't there.

Hamilton pulled out his phone and texted Peggy, hoping for a response.

Hamilton: Where are you? You normally come during awkward moments, lol

Jefferson sat back down as he waited for the three dots that notified that she was texting him back. He out his phone face down and stared at his coffee again. Then he and Jefferson took a sip in perfect sync. Hamilton gasped before the two broke into a burst of hysterical laughter.

"Why did we do that?" Hamilton said, trying to catch his breath. Jefferson couldn't say anything back. They calmed themselves down then sighed at the same time, causing more laughter. Jefferson threw his head back and Hamilton's shoulders were bouncing up and down a fast as when you throw a bouncy ball hard on the floor. Then his phone dinged and he said, "That must be Peggy."

Peggy: sorry, Lexi, I can't come over right now but I can send Angie or Eliza if you want. :P 

Hamilton: why can't you come?

Peggy: personal reasons..?

Hamilton gasped and squealed. He knew what she was doing.

Hamilton: WHAT?! WITH WHO


Hamilton: Then send one of your sisters over 

Hamilton set his phone down and took another sip of his coffee. Jefferson put his mug in the sink and headed to the bathroom. Hamilton did the same but instead headed back to his desk. He heard the toilet flush and soft footsteps head to his front door. Jefferson knocked on the door frame.

"Back to work, huh?" he said. Hamilton only nodded in response. "Take a break, Hamilton. Loosen up a little bit, that assignment's not due for another two weeks."

"I can't," Hamilton responded. "I need to finish this before I can 'loosen up' so I have the two weeks to chill."

"You make a good argument, but you're brain's fried. And the pace you're working at means you'll probably finish three seconds before the deadline. Besides. No one actually does that," Jefferson said. Hamilton sighed and closed his laptop. 

He stood up. "I'm just gonna go read my book then," he said with a soft smile. Jefferson grabbed Hamilton's wrist as he started heading towards his bed.

"Ah, ah, ah!" Jefferson said, pulling him back. Hamilton struggled to get Jefferson to release his grip. 

"The hell, Jefferson! You're really strong!" 

"You're not gonna go read some lame-ass book." He handed Hamilton a flier. "We... are going to the hottest party in town." 

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