Chapter Three

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Hamilton looked up at the house. The bass was so loud it made his stomach feel like it was bouncing with it. Jefferson was already heading into the house, and Hamilton followed closely behind.

Almost everyone there was acting like a drunk toddler. Party-goers were grinding on each other. Groups of people were chanting "Chug! Chug! Chug!" It seemed like he was in a movie. 

Peggy rushed over to him with a drink in her hand. "Hey, Lexi!" she said. 

"Hey, Peggy.. um, aren't you a little young to be here? And drinking alcohol..?" Hamilton asked, hugging her back. 

"That's iced tea, dude," Angelica said from behind them. "And don't worry, we brought it from home, so it's not spiked." Hamilton chuckled. He turned around as the Schuyler's left, but Jefferson was already gone. He turned back around in hope he could catch up to the Schuyler's, but they were gone, too. 

He was alone.

So, he grabbed a drink and tried it. He made a disgusted face. It was craft beer. He kept making his way around the people at the party, occasionally taking gulps of the beer. Soon, he found the kitchen. It wasn't as crowded, so he sat on the counter and kept drinking his beer. 

As he drank it, it seemed to get better and better. Like he'd never had a better drink. Jefferson came over to him.

"Hey, dude. I've been looking for you," he said. Hamilton knew he was drunk. He was on his third drink. So, he smiled and grabbed Jefferson's hand. He blushed. "Hamilton, where are we going?"

When Hamilton started bringing him up the stairs of the house, Jefferson gasped and blushed. He was brought in to a broom closet where Hamilton pinned him against the wall and gave him a wobbly smirk. His eye-lids were sagging and he was stumbling around.

"Hamilton are you okay?" Jefferson asked. Hamilton didn't reply, he just kissed Jefferson. Jefferson pulled back. "Hamilton, you're being crazy. Stop it.

"You know you want this," Hamilton said, kissing Jefferson again. It was true. Jefferson was in love with Hamilton. He just didn't like the thought of a relationship. In the heat of the moment, Jefferson kissed him back and left all of this thoughts behind. He became weak at the knees and his heart started beating faster and faster. His face felt hot.

Hamilton started unbuttoning Jefferson's shirt, and that's when Jefferson pulled away again. He sheepishly wiped his mouth as Hamilton rested his head on Jefferson's chest. Then Jefferson licked his lips and figured out what Hamilton tasted like.


Jefferson gasped. Hamilton didn't like him. He was just super drunk. He sighed and helped Hamilton out of the closet and back down the stairs. He had to push through every drunk kid and every creepy adult.

"Jefferson!" someone called out. Jefferson kept walking. He was almost to the door when someone grabbed him by his shirt. He was pulled back and turned around to face Hamilton's group of friends. 

"What are you doing with Hamilton?" Laurens asked. Jefferson's breathing started speeding up. 

"I-I don't know," he said, trying to slur his words. "I'm drunk." He burst through the door and ran to his car with Hamilton. He threw him into the passenger seat and he sat in the driver seat. He started the car and drove away. 

"Should we call the cops?" Eliza asked. 

"Nah, cops suck," Mulligan replied. "We'll storm the place in an hour."

Meanwhile, Jefferson was not drunk. He was lying. He never gets drunk. He just had to say that so Hamilton's friends wouldn't chase after him and maybe call the cops. "You're drunk?" Hamilton asked.

"Y-Yeah, sure."

"You're gonna get a DUI, you gotta stop driving..." Hamilton started falling asleep but banged his head on the dashboard. "Ow!" He held his forehead.

The drive back to their college was silent. When Jefferson helped Hamilton back to their dorm, they were silent. It wasn't until when Hamilton was sitting on the couch with a glass of water one of them said something.

"Hey, Hamilton?" Hamilton looked up at Jefferson. "I lied."

"About what, Tommy?" Hamilton asked. Jefferson's jaw dropped. That was the first time Hamilton didn't call him "Jefferson."

"U-Um." Jefferson was caught off guard by Hamilton. "Uh, I'm not drunk."

"Then why did you kiss me?" Hamilton asked. Jefferson sat next to Hamilton. 

"Because I like you." Hamilton's eyes widened. "I-I've always... liked you. I just didn't want you to know, so I've been mean to you. I just want to say I'm sorry."

Hamilton kissed Jefferson again. "It's okay," Hamilton said. "Maybe we can try this out, because I like you, too." Jefferson smiled as Hamilton fell asleep in Jefferson's lap. And soon, Jefferson fell asleep, too.


Hamilton's eyes snapped open. He immediately got off of Jefferson's lap and rushed to the bathroom. Then he threw up in the toilet. Jefferson rushed to the bathroom, still half asleep, and kneeled next to Hamilton. He held back his hair. 

"Thanks," Hamilton said, before retching into the toilet again. Jefferson looked at his watch. It was 5 in the morning. He sighed as Hamilton threw up in the toilet again, then leaned against the wall. Hamilton's head felt on fire and it was pounding.

Jefferson noticed since he grabbed some aspirin and a glass of water. He handed it to Hamilton. "Do you remember what happened last night?" Jefferson asked as Hamilton swallowed the aspirin. 

"Kind of," Hamilton responded. "I remember getting drunk at the party. I remember kissing someone in a broom closet, but I have no idea who it was. I also remember you were drunk, and you helped me home. That's it." Jefferson held back a grimace. He couldn't believe Hamilton didn't remember. 

"I'll go get you some coffee," Jefferson said as an excuse to leave the bathroom. He started making the coffee and sat at the counter. He shuddered. His chest felt like it was becoming tighter and tighter.

The worst part was his heart hurt more when he remembered Hamilton saying, "Maybe we can try this out." He could've gotten his first boyfriend. He felt a tear start falling down his cheek and quickly wiped it off. He poured a mug of coffee for Hamilton then heard a loud retch and a splash. He spilled his water. 

He sighed. He put on a sympathetic smile and walked back to the bathroom.

I Think I Love You-Hamilton AU [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now