Chapter Nine

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Hamilton woke up. He smiled wide when he pulled out his phone and saw what day it was. January 11.

His birthday.

He hurried out of bed and ran into the living room to find Jefferson already on the couch staring at his feet. When he saw Hamilton he quickly jumped up and held out a small gift box.

"You... you got me a gift?" Hamilton asked in awe.

"Of course," Jefferson gave Hamilton a wobbly smile.

"I only told you my birthday once! How did you remember?"

"You can say I made a small mental note," Jefferson said, handing the gift to Hamilton. "And by that I mean I made around 50 reminders that I got throughout the night." Hamilton laughed and untied the bow on the gift.

"Holy fucking shit, you didn't," Hamilton said, shocked. Jefferson pecked his cheek as Hamilton picked up his gift out of the box.

"I did," Jefferson said. "I had no idea if you knew about it, but I thought you'd love it."

"Of course I know about it! It's been my dream to get one ever since I saw it on Amazon, but it was too expensive," Hamilton explained.

"It's the Gold Plated Montblanc Meisterstück Classique Ballpoint Pen." Jefferson nervously smiled. "Do you like it? I even got it engraved."

Hamilton stared at the pen. It had some heft to it, and he couldn't believe his boyfriend got him a $420 pen, probably around $500 adding the engraving. Hamilton flipped the pen over and saw the engraving that read "Alexander Hamilton" in bold letters.

Tears flooded into Hamilton's eyes and he threw himself into Jefferson's arms. Jefferson tightly hugged him.

"I love it," Hamilton laughed. "I love you..!" Hamilton's voice trailed off. Jefferson let Hamilton go and scratched the back of his neck. Hamilton grabbed his jacket and stepped away from Jefferson. "Um, my friends said they would do something for me today, so I'm gonna..." he motioned to the door, "yeah." He sprinted out of the apartment.

Hamilton sat at a table bouncing his leg in the lobby and pulled out his phone. He dialed Jefferson's number, seeking help, but then deleted it. It was a reflex to call Jefferson in a moment of peril.

Instead, he dialed Laurens's number. He held the phone to his ear and waited for Laurens to pick up.

He heard a few rings, then "You've reached John Laurens in the place to be. I probably left my phone at a restaurant or something and will get back to you ASAP. Leave a message at the beep! Beep!"

Hamilton chuckled then said, "Hey, John, um. Something kind of embarrassing happened with Jefferson. Can you, Mulligan, and Lafayette meet me at the library when you can? Thanks." He hung up and left the building.

The library wasn't far. It was across the street. He was sure Jefferson saw him enter the library, and the shiver down his back made him feel like someone was watching him.

He sat at a computer and opened a writing platform. He started typing.


My name is Harri

His phone rang. He answered it by saying, "Hello?"

"Dude, where are you?" the male on the other line asked.

"Laurens? I'm waiting for you at the library," Hamilton said. What does he mean? he wondered.

"I'm waiting for you at your dorm. I came to pick you up, I texted you!" Laurens said matter-of-factly. Hamilton checked his texts. Nothing from Laurens.

"I didn't get it," Hamilton said.

"Oh, it didn't send," Laurens said. "Just please, please, please get back here! I got a new turtle and they don't allow pets in the library." Hamilton sighed and hung up. He turned off the computer and stomped out of the library.

When he arrived back at his dorm, he slammed the door open to find total darkness. "Thomas?" he called. The lights suddenly turned on and all of his friends jumped up.

"Happy birthday!" everyone yelled. Hamilton's hands flew to his mouth as he smiled wide. Laurens put a party hat on his head and Eliza took off his jacket. They led him to the kitchen. But all of Hamilton's happiness went away when he saw Jefferson standing in the back awkwardly.

His focus shifted back to his friends when someone picked him up and sat him on the counter. Hamilton laughed with surprise.

"How do you feel? Do you feel older?" Peggy asked.

"I guess," Hamilton said. "I think I feel like a 22-year-old."

"Like you're supposed to!" Lafayette yelled. Everyone chuckled and scattered around the living room, about three different conversations going on. Laurens was blabbing to Mulligan about his new turtle, Lafayette and Angelica were talking about human rights, and Eliza, Peggy, and Hamilton were talking about his birthday.

But Jefferson was quiet.

"So, how has your day been so far?" Eliza asked politely.

"Honestly, until now..." Hamilton hesitated, "it hasn't been so great. I accidentally said 'I love you' to Jefferson, and now we're both being awkward about it."

Peggy cracked her knuckles. "Why is he being awkward? You either love someone or you don't. And I don't mean to side with Dean from Gilmore Girls when it was his and Rory's third anniversary, but--"

"Peggy, calm down!" Eliza put her hand on Peggy's shoulder.

"Are you guys talking about Gilmore Girls?" Mulligan said, inserting himself into their conversation and out of his and Laurens's.

Peggy started talking to Mulligan about Gilmore Girls as Eliza and Hamilton kept talking.

"Lex, listen, you should just talk to him," Eliza said. "And do it right now."

"Wait, what?" Hamilton fiercely whispered. Eliza walked over to Jefferson and whispered something in his ear. Jefferson weirdly stood up and grabbed Hamilton. They stood in the corner of the room.

"Okay, I know what this is about," Jefferson sighed.

"Yeah, you should know what this is about," Hamilton snapped. "I said 'I love you,' and I... I meant it. I love you, Tommy. I love you so much, and I have forever. I should've said it sooner and--and--" Jefferson passionately kissed Hamilton, and when he pulled away, he pressed their foreheads together.

"I love you, too," Jefferson said, his voice cracking. Hamilton kissed Jefferson again before he realized everyone was silent. When they turned back to their friends, they all suddenly cheered. Jefferson and Hamilton laughed and walked back to the table where they continued their conversations.

Little did they know, the next day wouldn't be anywhere near as fun and filled with joy as Hamilton's birthday.

It would be one of the worst days of their lives. 

I Think I Love You-Hamilton AU [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now