Chapter Twelve

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Hamilton and Jefferson were standing in the hallway, making out, not caring what other people thought. They were all over each other since Jefferson proposed and Hamilton said yes, and no one seemed to be becoming suspicious except one.

Aaron Burr.

Hamilton and Burr were friends, but not really friends. They never really talked, just the occasional text every few months, then the other would respond a few hours later.

Burr always silenced the group chat he was apart of with his so-called "friends," but when he saw them talking about how Jefferson wouldn't be able to handle what Hamilton would do to himself, he had it on daily.

So, when he became suspicious, he finally texted back.

Burr: Hi.

Eliza: Burr! I forgot you were apart of this group chat XD

Burr: Me too.

Burr: Anyways, is everyone listening? You know what, I don't care. But has anyone noticed Alexander and Thomas have been extra touchy-feely all week?

Laurens: Hah! "Touchy-feely." Such a Burr word.

Angelica: Shut up, John. He's right, though.

Mulligan: But they're always like that. They're a cute couple, so what?

Peggy: EXACTLY!!! Mulligan, you read my mind.

Lafayette: STFU! Angelica and Burr are right, we should interrogate them


Burr put his phone away and stared at Hamilton and Jefferson. Then, he saw a bit of tongue and gagged and quickly walked away.


Eliza sat at a table at a coffee shop, waiting for Hamilton to arrive. It's like he entered on cue, right when she settled into her seat.

"Hey!" Hamilton said, sitting down.

"You're glowing," Eliza chuckled. Hamilton laughed and tucked a strand of hair behind his ear. Eliza was given instructions to interrogate Hamilton about why he was acting weird, and since she watched Sherlock, she felt ready. "Why are you glowing?" Eliza asked.

Hamilton's face turned red as he said, "I'm just really happy today. I mean, it's beautiful outside." He motioned to the window. Eliza scanned him up and down then leaned in.

"I know your secret," she whispered, to see if he really had one. Hamilton gasped but tried to play it cool.

"Wh-what secret?" Hamilton cleared his throat and put his hands on the table. Eliza scanned him again, making sure to get every inch of what she could see. Then her eyes directed to his hands where she saw a ring with a small, blue stone on it, and she could tell it was an engagement ring.

She loudly gasped and kicked her feet around. "Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God! You're getting married!" She then screamed before Hamilton shushed her.

"What is happening?" Hamilton whispered. "You said you knew."

"I didn't! I used my master detective skills I got from watching Sherlock!" Hamilton laughed. "I saw you gasped when I said 'I know your secret,' then I saw the very visible engagement ring on your hand."

"You really are a master detective," Hamilton said.

Eliza pulled out her phone. "Now I can tell everyone!" Hamilton panicked and snatched Eliza's phone from her. "Hey!"

"Sorry, Eliza, but you can't tell them anything," Hamilton said, putting her phone in his pocket. "Tell them that I've just loved Jefferson extra lately because I literally have. Just don't say why."

"A double agent?" Eliza said. "But they're always the bad guys to the good guys because they betrayed the good guys."

"But villains can be cool right?" Hamilton said, trying to get Eliza to agree. "Like, Dr. Facilier, or Bellatrix."

Eliza looked down. "Yeah, I guess so." Hamilton pulled out her phone and Eliza stared at it. "Fine, I'll do it." Hamilton smiled as Eliza grabbed her phone and quickly put it in her pocket. Hamilton gave Eliza a toothy grin.


Hamilton grabbed Jefferson from behind and pecked his back. Jefferson laughed and almost dropped his peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

"Hi!" Jefferson laughed. Hamilton smiled but his face melted into a frown when Jefferson saw his hands. "You took your ring off?"

"Yeah?" Hamilton asked, plastering on a fake smile. Jefferson got out of Hamilton's grip and slowly stepped away from him, a disgusted yet scared look on his face. "What is it?"

"I know this is a cliché, but you said you'd keep it on," Jefferson said. "You said you'd never take it off and that if you did, you said the only reason would be because you didn't love me anymore." Hamilton winced at Jefferson's voice breaking at the end of his explanation.

Shit, Hamilton thought. I did say that. "Listen, Tommy," he said. He took a step closer to Jefferson and Jefferson took a step back. "I know you're confused, but I still love you. So fucking much. You are the love of my life and I will never stop loving you." Tears flooded into Jefferson's eyes.

"So, why did you take the ring off?" he asked. "I'm going to think what you said is a lie until you give me an explanation! Why did you take the ring off?" Tears streamed down both of their faces. "Are you not happy?"

"Of course I'm happy!" Hamilton chuckled. "It's just Eliza found out that we're getting married 'cause she saw my engagement ring. I don't want anyone else to find out."

"Why?" Jefferson sobbed. "Are you so ashamed of me you won't even tell your closest friends we're getting married?"

"No! I'm not ashamed of you! I don't even know why I don't want to tell them, I just think they're going to make a big deal about it and lord it over us." Hamilton let out a loud cry and sniffed. "And when they find out it's gonna be a few years, they're gonna be disappointed, and I don't want them to be!"

There was a pause before, "O-Okay," Jefferson said sadly. Hamilton hugged him tightly and looked up at him.

"Do you forgive me? I'll tell them if you want, I'll do whatever, just please, stay with me!" Hamilton pleaded.

"I forgive you, don't worry," Jefferson smiled. Hamilton smiled before sobbing into Jefferson's shoulder.

Jefferson rubbed Hamilton's back, his other hands stroking Hamilton's hair. He smiled at the fact that Hamilton cared for him so much and would do anything for him.

And honestly, he would do the same. 

I Think I Love You-Hamilton AU [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now