Chapter Nineteen

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hey everyone! sophie/ramennoodles here! just wanted to say that i know this story isn't very popular but to anyone reading this right now, thank you for 100+ views and the support, especially to my friends who have read this and keep complimenting me--shoutout to them. love you guys!

also! you might have noticed that i have francesca, august, and sophie written into the story, they are my friends and me. to my followers--if you wanna be written into the story let me know, i have one more slot open!

that's all! 

"The past week, Thomas and I have been really distant," Hamilton said to Peggy over the phone. "We've just been so busy with schoolwork and our final exams, and I just really miss him."

"Aw, that sucks," Peggy said. "What's he doing right now?"

Hamilton leaned back in his chair to peek in Jefferson's room. He was fast asleep, his notebooks surrounding him, his laptop knocked on its side. "He's sleeping," Hamilton said, walking over to Jefferson.

"Oh, my gosh! So cute!" Peggy squealed. "Send me pics! I gotta go." There was a beep signifying that Peggy had left the call. Hamilton put his phone in his pocket, staring at Jefferson with pure love in his eyes. He gently pushed Jefferson's hair out of his face and softly poked his forehead, like in Naruto Shippuden, which he had been watching.

"You really love me, huh?" Jefferson smiled, his eyes still shut. Hamilton gasped and blushed. He tried to leave, but Jefferson grabbed his hand. "Come lay with me, please," he said, sounding half asleep. Hamilton smiled and lied in front of Jefferson, Jefferson spooning him.

"Did you finish your schoolwork?" Hamilton asked, turning to face Jefferson.

"Just enjoy the fucking moment." Jefferson sounded almost fully asleep. Hamilton kissed Jefferson's forehead and fell asleep.

When Hamilton woke up, it was 3:00. He had been asleep for around three hours. He got out of Jefferson's loving grasp and walked to his computer, yawning. He was so close to finishing his schoolwork, but Peggy asked for photos.

He pulled out his phone and snapped a quick picture of Jefferson and sent it to Peggy.

Hamilton: Attachment: 1 Image

Hamilton: sorry that took so long, i took a nap with him :)


Hamilton: Hehe yeah

Peggy: Well, thanks for that pick-me-up but i gotta get back to work

Hamilton: bye!

Hamilton put away his phone and sat back on the counter, finishing up his essay. The constant clack of the keyboard woke Jefferson up. He sighed and stood up to grab the charger for his laptop.

"Hey, babe," Hamilton said, not even looking away from his laptop. Jefferson nodded in response and walked into Hamilton's room where he left his charger last. He grabbed the charger, kneeling on the ground. But, a book that was under his bed caught his eye. He grabbed it and stared at the cover.

"'My Journal,'" Jefferson read. He gasped and smiled. He stood up, but then second-guessed himself and kneeled back down to put in back under the bed. Then, he stood up again.

This went on for about two minutes until he put it under his shirt and went back to his room, deciding to read it later.

He sat back down on his bed, his door now shut. He continued typing his essay, but the thought of what was in Hamilton's diary kept taunting him. So, he picked up Hamilton's diary, regretting every move he made with it: opening it, flipping the pages, reading every word.

Then, he got to the lastest entry, yesterday.

Dear Diary,

No, wait. That's stupid.

Jefferson laughed.

Anyways, I had sex with Thomas yesterday. It was magical, as always. Damn, he's really good at that.

Okay, that was weird. Anyways (again), it's the last week of college and I'm really nervous--I hate having so much work to do. I know, shocking! I work so hard all the time, you'd probably think I love it, but I just do it to get it over with.

I'm sad.

Jefferson gasped as his eyebrows curled up, feeling worried for Hamilton.

Don't get me wrong, I'm happy with my friends and with Thomas and everything. But a lot of the time I feel sad. Thomas doesn't know this, but most nights after he's asleep, I go to my room and cry on my bed until I fall asleep. I don't know why. The tears just come. I don't know what I'm sad about, either. I'm just sad.

Jefferson stared at the tear stains on the page that were slightly smudging the ink. Unlike his other entries that ended with "xoxo Hamilton," this one just stopped.

Then, there was a knock on the door.

Jefferson quickly put the diary under his a blanket and continued his essay. Hamilton opened the door.

"Hey!" he smiled. Jefferson smiled back, wondering if Hamilton's grin was fake or not. "Just wanted to ask if you're done with your essay for that one class yet."

"Ah, yes, that essay for that one class," Jefferson chuckled. "Um, yeah, I'm close, just have to write a few more paragraphs. What about you?"

"Just finished. Gonna go chill in my room now," Hamilton said, tapping the door frame before walking to his room.

Shit! Jefferson thought. He's gonna notice the diary's gone. "Hey, wait!" Jefferson chased after him. Hamilton stopped at his bedroom door and turned around. "Um..." Jefferson tried to think of something. "You wanna get some coffee or something?" Hamilton smiled and blushed.

"Sure!" Hamilton said, walking to the living room to put on his shoes. Jefferson did the same. "Let's go."


After Hamilton and Jefferson got coffee, they decided to head to the mall because Hamilton needed new clothes. They had stopped at Old Navy after being at almost every store in the mall, and Hamilton had gotten one shirt.

"It's funny how you've only gotten one plain, white shirt after spending almost two hours here," Jefferson said, joking around. Hamilton laughed.

"You know me," Hamilton said, "I can never choose anything." He stared at a jean jacket before trying it on. "How does this look?" Jefferson smiled and set the shirt down.

"That looks great." He pecked Hamilton's lips. What they didn't realize was someone was staring at them.

"Fags," the person muttered. This caught Jefferson's attention, and Hamilton noticed it. He grabbed Jefferson's arm.

"Don't," he said. "Just leave him alone, people are homophobic." Jefferson sighed and stomped out of the store as Hamilton set down the jacket and chased after him. "Thomas, what's wrong? That stuff never bothers you."

"I'm just sick of it," Jefferson sighed. "And they're not homophobic, they're not scared of us, they just don't like us. We could be saints, for fucks sake, and they'd still hate us without knowing anything else about us, just because of who we find attractive, or who we love, or are in relationships with. And most of them blame it on some stupid book that was written a hundred years ago!"

"I know how you feel, Thomas," Hamilton said sympathetically. "And I know how this can only bother you now because of what you're going through, but we can get through it together. Okay?" Hamilton grabbed Jefferson's hand. Jefferson nodded.


"Now let's get out of here," Hamilton smiled. "Oh, wait! I need some hair ties!" Jefferson laughed as Hamilton dragged him back into the store. 

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