Chapter Thirteen

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"Okay, so, Jefferson and I have something to tell you," Hamilton said to his friends. He noticed Eliza trying so hard not to blurt it out. "Um, you know what? Let me just say it, we're engaged." Everyone gasped. "We're getting married."

"Wow!" Peggy said, speechless for once. Everyone squealed and congratulated them, and Peggy seemed to be the only one to notice Angelica running off. She chased after her.

"Angie! Angie, please stop!" Peggy called. Angelica stopped dead in her tracks and turned around to face Peggy, her eyes wide.

"They're so selfish!" Angelica yelled. "All of them! They are so wrapped up in the drama of what Thomas and Hamilton are doing, and they're not thinking about our problems, which are a lot worse than theirs!"

"I know," Peggy sighed.

"I've been sexually assaulted, and they completely forgot to call the fucking police on him, you had to do it, and you're barely nineteen!" Angelica screamed. "Maria and Eliza aren't even talking, and you can barely find a boyfriend."

"About that, uh--" Peggy started, but was interrupted by Angelica.

"Even if I try to tell them, they won't listen they just keep interrupting me!" Peggy looked down.

"Then, tell them," Peggy said. Angelica nodded.

"I should, shouldn't I?" Angelica said. Before Peggy could answer, Angelica was already stomping back over to their friends. Peggy couldn't hear what she was saying to them, but it seemed really intense.

Peggy smiled sadly and left the building, laughing and sobbing at the same time. It was ironic, how Angelica was complaining about how they wouldn't listen to her, they would just interrupt her whenever she tried to tell them what was wrong, but she was doing that to Peggy. And Peggy was heart-broken.

Meanwhile, Hamilton and his friends were apologizing to Angelica so much, she had them on the ground at her feet, making them treat her like a queen.

They all laughed and started walking back to their college.

"Hey, where's Peggy?" Lafayette asked over the crowd. No one heard him. "Where's Peggy?" he asked a little louder. He sighed and abandoned his friends to go look for the other friend they didn't even notice was gone.

Knowing Peggy, she was probably upset. She would never leave the group without telling them first. She always talked to them.

So, Lafayette looked in a place that made her happiest. The fro-yo shop. None of them knew why she loved it so much.

He opened the door, the bell ringing faintly as he did. Ths shop was small, a fro-yo section, a cups section, and a toppings section with a few tables next to it. It wasn't long before he found Peggy sitting at a table, solemnly eating fro-yo. Lafayette sat down across from her, the plastic chair screeching against the floor.

"Laf! Hi, how did you find me?" Peggy yelped.

"Doesn't matter, mon ami, what matters is why you ran off," Lafayette replied.

"It's just everything," Peggy said. "Everyone is so obsessed with Lex and Thomas, which I get, they're adorable, but we have our own problems, too. Angelica agrees, but it's... she does the same thing that she hates about you guys. She ignores my problems, interrupting me when I try to open up to her, et cetera. It's almost funny." Peggy played with her fro-yo before shoving more into her mouth.

"I'm willing to listen," Lafayette smiled innocently. Peggy smiled back before grabbing a spoon and handing it to Lafayette.

"Dig in," she said. "I got too much anyways." She chuckled as Lafayette started eating the fro-yo with her. "I know my sisters know I've been 'experimenting,' as they call it, but they don't know the reason. I'm pretty sure they just think I'm horny and want to try college sex. But really, I haven't been feeling any sexual attraction for a while now, a few years actually. I've been looking back to the boyfriends, the very few girlfriends, wondering if I ever really loved them. And the truth is, I don't think I ever did. So, I did some investigating by screwing a bunch of people--with protection of course--to see how I felt. I even broke up with my boyfriend because I didn't feel like he was right for me. But really, I don't think anyone is right for me. I don't think I want to be in a relationship with people."

"I think I understand," Lafayette said. "Of course, I do not understand what you are going through, but I think you think you're asexual or aromantic or something?" Peggy nodded.

"Aromantic, I think," she said. "There was one time where I really was in love with someone, my heart fluttered around them, and I actually dated them for a while. But, they broke up with me. The one time I actually love someone, they don't love me back. Bad luck, huh?"

Lafayette nodded. "I am glad you opened up to me, Peggy," he said. "If you want, we can try out dumb makeup tutorials later and see how stupid we look." Peggy laughed.

"Yes, I'd like that," she said. "Thanks, Laf."

Back at Hamilton and Jefferson's dorm, all of their friends had left and they were just sitting on the couch watching Little Miss Sunshine for the fiftieth time. Hamilton sat up, shocked.

"I-I-I have to go," he whispered.

"What?" Jefferson pouted. "But it's the best part of the movie! When Olive hugs Dwayne and says nothing, and he agrees! It's all said through the hug--you love this part."

"I know, I just... I have to go, I'm sorry, Tommy." Hamilton ran out of his dorm and hopped in his car outside. He sped to Angelica's apartment building and opened the door since it was always unlocked when she was home.

But, she wasn't there. "Angelica?" he called out.

"Shit!" he heard someone whisper from another room. He ran into the room and opened the door to find Angelica unconscious and Charles Lee on top of her almost completely naked. Hamilton's face grew hot as he pushed Charles Lee off of her. He got on top of him and punched him three times, yelling out every time he did. He started sobbing loudly, louder and louder with every punch until Angelica woke up.

"Alex!" she screamed, weakly trying to pull him off. "Alex, no!" She would try harder, but the roofie...

Jefferson came in. "Lex, stop!" he yelled, pulling him off of Charles Lee. Jefferson hugged Hamilton from behind and Hamilton screamed at the top of his lungs as they rocked back and forth, Jefferson shushing Hamilton. "It's okay, Lex," he said, kissing his head. "It's okay."

Angelica joined in on the hug, smiling at what Hamilton did for her.

He really was a considerate friend.

I Think I Love You-Hamilton AU [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now