Chapter Eight

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Hamilton swung his dorm's door open. Jefferson's eyes flew open and he sat up to face Hamilton.

"Alexander?" he said, yawning. Hamilton ran over to the couch and hugged Jefferson. "What's happening? Hamilton pulled away from the hug and smiled.

"Tommy, you'd never leave me for who I am, would you?" Hamilton asked. Jefferson gasped.

"What made you think that?" Jefferson half-smiled.

"It doesn't matter." Hamilton waved away the question. "But... would you?"

Jefferson chuckled. "Of course not! Never in a trillion years. The literal reason I like you is you embrace who you are and you don't care what people think." Hamilton shyly smiled. "Also," Jefferson friendly punched Hamilton's arm, "you're somehow hot and cute at the same time, which I don't understand how you do that, like..." Hamilton laughed and kissed Jefferson.

"Thank you," Hamilton said.


Hamilton knocked on Eliza's door with two Starbucks to-go cups of coffee in his hands. Maria answered the door.

"Hey, Alex," she said, nodding to say "what's up." Hamilton waved back and entered the dorm. Eliza was sitting on the couch talking with her sisters. Hamilton sat next to Angelica.

"If I knew you guys were coming I would've brought more coffee," Hamilton chuckled, scratching the back of his neck. Everyone laughed.

"Yeah, sorry I didn't tell you they were coming, Lex," Eliza said. "We were just having a girl talk."

"Oh, I completely understand," Hamilton reassured Eliza. "The talking with friends part, not the girl talk part." Angelica and Eliza giggled as Peggy cackled. "So, what are you guys talking about?"

"Oh." Angelica pressed her lips together. Eliza bit her lip. Peggy snickered.

"Um..." Angelica started, "We're talking about feminine things.." They all held in yet another laugh.

"Hey, guys, can I tell you something?" Angelica asked. They all shrugged and nodded. "I need you guys to call the police on my roommate."

"Why, Angie?" Eliza said, reaching out for her hand. Angelica pulled her hand away.

"It's nothing important." Angelica clenched her teeth and flared her nostrils.

"Angie," Hamilton said softly. "If you want us to call the police, it's more than important, it's essential. And you never want to call the police, so this is clearly something bad." Angelica nodded.

"Wait, who's your roommate?" Maria asked from the other room.

"Oh, it's Charles Lee," Peggy responded. "I know, he sucks, right?" Maria shook her head.

"You have no idea," she said, running over to Angelica to comfort her.

"Ria, what happened?" Eliza asked. Hamilton smirked at her and Eliza subtly flicked him off.

"I think he did stuff to her..." Maria said.Peggy gasped. "Like, sexual stuff. He tried to do that to me but I left immediately. Now I'm here." Eliza suddenly hugged Maria. Maria was startled for a second at first, but then smiled and hugged her back, leaving Eliza's face beet red.

"Angelica, is that true?" Hamilton asked. Angelica swallowed hard.

"Yes," she choked. "Nothing is going my way lately. The apartment is expensive but shitty, and Lee is no help in more ways than one. I graduated with a major in communications and a minor in philosophy. I should be doing something good with my life, like becoming a marriage counselor, or something."

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