1. Here He Goes Again

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1. Here he goes again
Shadow POV

Ugh, here she goes again about Knuckles and how he's annoying her about stealing things, not wanting a future family stuff, and etc. Why do girls always think I care about these things. I am not one of their "girl friends" or something. I honestly don't give a flying chaos emerald about their problems because I have problems as well.

I look at the clock and get up, " Rouge, I honestly can't relate, but I'm going to have to go to work soon anyway so if you don't mind." I said emotionless and walked to the door and opened it.

"Fine well," she got up and sighed and went to me and hugged me. "At least do me a favor." She let go and looked at me.

"What is it you want, bat." I said as I closed my eyes while folding my arms and leaning against the door.

"Tell big blue ya love him please. It's your month to show who you really are, he says he's gay as well so you may be in luck" she put a hand on my shoulder, I sighed.

Maybe she was right at least me and faker are in the same job and it is pride month so she is right.

"Fine, but if I'm sobbing the next day it's all your fault bat." I spat in my normal tone.

She smiled "Thank you so much." She hugged me then walked away. This is going to be a long shift.

I walked up stairs and got ready for work. How come everyone but me and that faker have a relationships and are aching for us to get together causing us both to blush showing our gayness. Geez. They frustrate me sometimes.

That's when I realize, If I'm spilling the beans, I need practice, FAST.

At work
Sonic POV

Here I am waiting for the love of my life as a bubble tea/ boba staff.

I sighed and felt someone's hands on my waist. As I turned around and felt my face heat up and so did my ears.

"Sh-Shadow!" I gave him a surprised looked and he let go.

"Geez faker just trying to move that fat rear of yours out of the way so I can move to the other side of the register." He gave me a seductive smile.

"Oh sorry Shadz, wait wha-" I was interrupted by soft lips pressing against mine. It feels fantastic my crush is kissing me. I was internally squealing while returning the amazing kiss.

We pulled away at same time, good thing no one but us and a few staff were here, they knew I had a crush on him.

" I love you S-"

"Sonic the hedgehog!"

Shadow was interrupted by a hedgehog named Marley the the that's currently obsessed with mwah himself.(my oc do not steal pls).

"Oh boy, here he comes." I groaned as a male hedgehog came in. He has a golden faded into pink type quills that are in some type of man bun, he carries around a magical bat and wears baggy clothes. I sighed.

5 Years In The Future (Sonadow)[Currently Being Edited]Where stories live. Discover now