15. Engagement Ring

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15. Engagement Ring
Shadow POV

I teleported at a jewelry store, I walked in and looked around for the engagement rings. I found them and looked on the other side and saw someone standing there.

"May I help you sir?" I young man asked me, I nodded and he smiled, "We have ones right here, and we can customize them for you." I looked down and when I did I saw one that almost took my breath away. It was a ruby incrested engagement ring.

"I'd like that one, please." I looked away and cleared my throat to stop me from thinking of.....things.

"Alright sir that would be 500 dollars." I took out my card and paid for it. I made my way to the store, I grabbed the cookies and then I saw that damn brat, Marley, I growled. He looked at me then smirked.

"Long time no see edgehog." I rolled my eyes and walked away. He began to follow me, I checked out. I turned around and held up the engagement box, "He's all mine now." He ran up to me but on a few inches away I chaos controlled away from him. I looked at my hand and I still had the engagement box. I looked to my left and saw the bag of cookies.

"Shady!" I saw Sonic run up to me I hid the box in my quills and smiled. He hugged me and I hugged him back we spun around and pulled away, I gave him the bag of cookies. He gasped "You got my favorite."

"Chips Ahoy" I said as I remembered. When we became friends and ended our rivalry he told me his favorite things (colors, foods, cookies, etc.).

"I love how you remember everything that I love, including you." He kissed me and I kissed back faster than I every did before. We pulled away and we both smiled. I kneeled down and kissed his stomach.

"I could never forget to give you kisses too." He giggled and smiled at me I smiled back. I stood up and picked him up, I went to the couch and sat down then sat him down on my lap. "Oh, guess who I came across at the store." I said annoyed. Look at me from his side as he turned the TV on.

"Oh, I know that tone, was it Marley?" I nodded at him. He sighed and shook his head. His phone rung he picked it up. "Oooo, Danielle." He answered it.

Sonic POV just for the phone call

"Hey Sonic!"

"Hey Danielle, what's up?"

"I've been meaning to ask you if you knew a Marley?" It sounded like he was nervous.

"Uh yeah, why?"

"Well I found a Marley by your house. I bumped in to him a few weeks ago, he caught me and I think I fell in love with him." I had a shock look on my face. Shadow noticed it and was hugging me, I let out a giggle for him then he smiled. "Why did you do that." He seemed confused.

"It's Shadow he's acting to adorable and dominant." I giggled more as he nibbled on my neck.

"Oh, well, I need some advice."

"Sure, what kind if advice." I trying to make Shadow stop his domanant side from going any further. He pinned me down. "Hold on one sec Danielle." I put myself on mute. "Shadow, please stop, if you forgot, I am pregnant." He got off me and looked at me as I sat up, I looked in his eyes and saw his lust eager to come out, but we can't do that, right? I unmute myself, "Sorry about that, I'll talk to him about what we can do later, but what kind of advice do you need?"

"I need love advice, I want to know how to confess to a guy that I like." I was shocked by the subject.

"Well, first you get his interest and then he may confess to you, make sure you don't rush things. You like rushing him into-"

"Sex, because I'm a herm, I know, I know. Thanks Sonic, I hope things go fine with you and Shadow, and your pup. See you later."

"See ya." He hung up and I looked at Shadow. "Shadow are you horny?" He looked at me then down, he nodded. "I guess having twins won't hurt." I smiled. "But don't be rough you don't wanna hurt the baby" I laid down.

He went on top of me. He began to kiss my neck then down. He make me horny everytime he does this. I felt a kiss on my lower area. I didn't notice that he took off the shorts.


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