11. 🍋Feels Amazing🍋

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11. 🍋Feels Amazing🍋
Sonic POV

Shadow made me open my legs wide and put them on his hips. He tried not to shove it in me to violently but that was the only way to get in so he did it.

"Ahhhhhh~ Ow that hurts" I said and felt something warm run out of me, blood? He was staying still and looking at me.

"Tell me when your ready."

It took me a few minute but it stopped hurting and I realized I didn't take up his entire size. I moved my hips a little as a signal for him to continue. He thrusted inside of me slowly.

"Ah~ Shadow~." I moaned aloud. He kept going at the same speed. "Faster~ pls~!" He sped up like I ordered. I felt a shock of pleasure. "♡ Eeeeeeeeh that feels amazing~♡" I tried to speak in between my moans. It felt so good.

Shadow came closer and nuzzled into my neck. Which made it hard for me not to moan so loud since he was so deep. He landed soft kissed and licked my neck. He seemed to be looking for something deep inside me. He rammed this one spot that made me feel a shock of pleasure.

"Found it~" His voice was more deep and lustful, it sent shivers down my spine which made me feel tighter. "Ah damn how did you get so tight all of a s-sudden.~"  He went harder and faster creating a bump in my stomach area.

"Sh-shadow why do I feel so w-weir-~"

"I'm c-cumming, Sonic!~"


I felt something pop inside me and something warm coming from me and Shadow. It felt so good. We were panting it felt so heated. He smiled and kissed me on the lips I kissed back. He pulled out releasing some of the warm liquid that came from the both of us.

"Sonic the condom broke..."

Next chapter coming soon. New posting days.

The End

For Now...

5 Years In The Future (Sonadow)[Currently Being Edited]Where stories live. Discover now