21. Parent hood has begun

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《Sonic POV》
I can't believe this, am I even ready for parent hood, today is the day I give birth to my pups. I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up and see Shadow smiling nervously.

"Your not the only one nervous," He laughed nervously, I smiled a but as well. Now I'm worried, what is going to happen to my body, will I ever get my body back, will I be a bloweded blueberry my entire life. Gahhhhh, oh lord chaos, pls help me through this process.

"Will you be there by my side when it happens?" I asked with an innocent look on my face and tone. He smiled and grabbed my hand.

"Of course my love, I will always be there." We placed our foreheads together as a bond. Then I felt it I looked down and the bed was wet, I felt a non pleasing shock and my hands shot to my stomach.

"GAH, SHADOW, DO SOMETHING PLEASE." I screamed in pain, he panicked and picked me up. He chaos controlled us to the worst place ever, the hospital. I felt another unpleasing shock. What is happened to my body! I held onto Shadow tightly never letting go, uncomfortable by the feeling.

"Help! We have a pregnant hedgehog ready to give birth!" My future husband (uwu) yelled aloud, I realized whenever he gets angry, stressed or panicked his eyes are pure white.

"NYAH" I was caught off guard when another shock got me, I buried my face in Shadows chest and he held me close, "I can't take this anymore Shad-Yah." I yelped. They put me on a stretcher and and brung me to an emergency room. I yelped and cried ready for the pain to end. We had arrived at the room and Shadow sat beside me. He grabbed my hand.

"Squeeze my hand whenever it hurts, ok?" He smiled and looked at the doctors, still paying attention to me. I felt another unknown shock.

"FAHHH!" I squeezed Shadows hand so hard in reflex, I thought I heard his bone crack. I looked at him and he looked at me, no sight of pain on his face only happiness, then the doctor walked in.

"Alright, are you two excited hedgehogs ready to see your children?" He asked flipping through images, I think Tails gave them.

"Y-Yea, I'm ready." I answered in a stutter, showing my pain.

"Very ready." Shadow answered in a brave voice. I know it's weird to ask, you may say I should already know the answer to this but, will I be the mother or father of this child? I know, I know, your probably saying 'Are you crazy, your going to be the mother because your giving birth,' but it's really not my fault. My mom never really taught me about these things or what I'm suppose to do with my body before eggman tried to kill me when I was younger. I'm sorry for even asking, I just wanted to know about these things, ya'know, before the whole incident of being separated from my family at a young age, but if that wouldn't have happened I would have never met the one I truly have been waiting for, or met such amazing, and successful mobians, or have earned an amazing title.

"Alright, Mr. Hedge are you ready to give birth?" The doctor asked me, I chuckled nervously.

"Sonic, it's alright, I'm here to experience this with you." Shadow assured me, I blushed and nodded taking a deep breath. I nodded my head towards the doctor. He put on gloves while walking toward me.

"Mr.Hedge, can you bend your legs." He demanded as instructions. I did so and there began the process...
The next day
I opened my eyes to be greeted by shiny, wonderful, ruby eyes. I smiled at my lover and giggled.

"Why are you laughing?" Shadow asked with a smirk. I stopped and smiled at my fiance.

"I don't know just the fact that, we have a family, today we're getting married and our friends are decorating our wedding. Why shouldn't I be laughing from excitement." I hugged him and purred. I have to go out with tails and the girls. He chuckled and sighed.

"Well, I have to go with hot head and get my tux." He sat up and looked at our babies. "Only if you were old enough my chaos emerald." He smiled and rubbed the our newborns head. I giggled and stood up feeling not sore but excited from the mystery that awaits tonight.
To be continued

(Sorry for the long wait, I had elderly things to deal with, but it is kinda getting better day by day. Anyway wish me luck, see you in the next chapter =>)

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