23. Start of a New Beginning(Final(2/3))

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~23. Start of a New Beginning(Final(2/3))~

○°●Sonic POV●°○

TODAY IS THE DAY, I stand confidently, I can't wait for the cerem oi my to happen, I can't believe our relationship has lasted this long. I sigh happily and look at the dresses, I huff and look at the girls plus tails.

"Do I have to wear a dress," I asked complaining, they rolled their eyes and snickered. I roll my eyes and huff again, I look at the window and see a coal colored hedgehog with blood stripes. I blush and look away knowing that we can not see each other until the ceremony, I heard it brings bad luck. I look at the gals and by little brother, "I am not wearing a dress no matter what you tell me."

Amy made weird noises to make the baby laugh and cream was cradling the other. Tails crossed his arms, "If you don't feel comfortable wearing a dress you can have to wear a tuxedo." He assured me.

I nod and smile, "Time to go and get a dark red tuxedo," I giggle walking out the shop to another shop called "fancy chaos emerald", My eyes lit up and I ran threw the door. I entered the shop and their were so many suits, but the one that caught my eye was a dark red one with white sparkles. "Tails look at this one it looks so sparkly and pretty," I was in awe.

He chuckles, "I can tell, your staring at it bro," I nudge him and huff playfully, "Hey," He chuckle and I snicker. I grab the suit and walk up to the cash register. A man came up and smiled happily.

"Oh~ Seems like you got a nice one here," He scanned it while he said that. "What's the occasion," he asked politely.

"About to get married," I sigh happily and smiled.

"Congratulations, you can get this for free since it is your wedding day," he told my politely. I smiled and gazed a little at the gang, I shift my eyes back towards the cashier, I smiled.

"I'd rather pay," I gave him my card.

"No I insist sir," He answered in the same tone.

"Well at least take this as a tip," I gave him two one-hundred dollar Bill's and smiled more. He gasped and tears of joy began to fall.

"Thank you so much sir," He thanked, I grabbed my suit and gave a thumbs up as I was about to exit, "Have a good day, and congratulations again."

"You too," We said in sync.

Today must be my lucky day, I guess you can say I feel like an...


(Sorry about the late update, I have been unmotivated lately but thanks to one person, the kept into story writing, so yeah, last part is coming sometime this month ^^)

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