24. Start of a New Beginning(Final(3/3))

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24. Start of a New Beginning(Final(3/3))

°●Narrators POV●°

It took a few hours to get everything together for this beautiful event. The two hedgehog were excited and relief that they would be happy and live a perfect life. The one thing they both were worried about were their two herm sons. What choices will they make in the future? Will they find a protective and loyal mate? Will they ever take after their fathers? These are questions they couldn't answer they only had the choice to watch them grow up. They got dress and was excited to discover a new part of their lives.

Shadow took is spot at the alter and waited for everyone to settle down, it began to snow, everyone was shocked at the beautiful sighting. Good thing they were all in a clear glass green house (You those plant houses that's like a dome of glass). Then the bridesmaid and the best man began to walk down the isle to there spots, Amy and some random guy, Knuckles and Rouge, Silver and Blaze, etc. Right after, cream began to walk as the flower girl, she sprinkled rose petals everywhere on the isle and went to her spot. There was one more thing that had to happen, Shadow took a deep breath and the piano started to sing, Sonic began the walk down the isle. Everyone was crying at how beautiful it was. Once Sonic made it to the alter the ceremony began (I don't know much about weddings because I never went to one XD, so I'll do a skippy to the part I actually know)

"Shadow the hedgehog, successful project of Gerald Robotnik, do you take Sonic the hedgehog to be your husband, for better or for worst, for richer or for poorer, for death may you part?" The pastor asked. (Tell me if I put that wrong XD)

Shadow stared into emerald green eyes and nodded, "I do"

"Alright, Sonic the hedgehog, hero of mobius, do you take Shadow the hedgehog to be your husband for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, for death may you part?" He turned toward Sonic. Sonic began tear up, everyone was saying "aw" Sonic nodded.

"I do," He smiled happily looking into is mates eyes. They placed the rings on each other.

"I now pronounce you husband and husband, you may now kiss the groom," The pastor smiled

Shadow held onto Sonic's waste and kissed him, Sonic returned the kiss by wrapping his arms around Shadow's neck. The released the kiss and nuzzled each other by the nose.

"I love you," Sonic smiled looking into Shadow's eyes again.

"I love you too," Shadow stared into Sonic's eyes.

(I was going to post this on christmas but I want to spend time with my mom this school break. I thank you all for the support on the book I honestly didn't have enough time to properly post the chapters every weekend and I am super sorry for that, I have another book coming out, I don't want to spoil the name but I hope it is more advanced and interesting than this one, anyways happy holidays and I wish you a Merry or Happy Christmas, see ya later, love you all😊)

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