18. Today is the day! (Proposal special)

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18. Today is the day!
Shadow POV

I woke up extra early to find a place. I called rouge after I got ready for the day.

"Hey hun, today is the day." I smiled and walked back into the room for the engagement ring. I grabbed it and opened it and there it was, how can this object make me and my lover so happy, I smiled and closed it then put it in my quills.

"Rouge I need help decorating and choosing the place to celebrate our baby and for the proposal." I walked down stairs and made a healthy breakfast. I heard footsteps as Rouge was choosing the location. "Rouge, I'm gonna call you right back, He's coming, set it up and send me the location."

"Ok hun, see you there." I hung up the phone and attended to the food. I set everything up and placed the plates on the table. Sonic walked in stretching and looked at me in awe.

"Shadow you didn't have to make breakfast." He said looking at the table and walking to me.

"I know but I didn't want you to strain yourself." I held him by his waist and pulled him close.

"Aw~ Shadz~" he looks at the table. "This looks so romantic." He puts his arms around my neck and blushes innocently. I lean in and kissed him gently. He kisses back and I pull away. We sit down at the table and eat breakfast. I get a ring from my phone as I was close to finishing.

I looked at my phone and pick it up.

"We're at emerald beach with Sonic's best friend, and we're almost done setting it up."

"Ok, we're coming right now." I whispered and hung up. I got out of the chair and walked over to my beloved.

"What's wrong Shadz." He looked at me confused. I held out my hand and he stood up. He had already finished his food. He took my hand and I pulled him into a warm embrace and spun around. I let go to put the plates in the sink.

I walk over to Sonic and his eyes were sparkling.

"Wanna go to the beach?" I asked and he nodded, he ran upstairs and got ready so I waited. 30 minutes later he came back and was wearing jean shorts a black shirt with a sleeves clear white breezy cover up. I pull him into a hug and he giggles.

"Let's go!" She smiles so beautifully no wonder why I'm in love with this hedgehog.

"Alright, CHAOS CONTROL!" In a flash we arrive at emerald beach and we walk over to the gang.

"CONGRATS!" Everyone yelled as they threw confetti in the air. Sonic gasped and cried tears of joy. He looked at me.

"Did you plan this?" I smiled.

"Rouge and I did." He jumped up and hugged me.

"Let's get this party started." Knuckles said as he turns on the music.

"Congrats on the baby Mr. Sonic." Cream gave Sonic a present.

"Aw, thanks Cream I appreciate the gesture." Sonic took the present then smiled. I put a hand on Sonic's hip.

"I have a surprise for you at sunset." I whispered in his ear.

"Oooo~, tell me Shadz!" He was so excited he was practically jumping up and down.

"Not yet love." I said while chuckling I held his hips so he can look at me. He did and I stared into his eyes.

"Aw, look at the love birds." Knuckles teased.

"Say cheese!" Rouge said a nd smiled as she took a picture. I chuckle at Sonic as he blushes at the picture.

"Let's dance." I said as I grab Sonic and secretly gave Rouge the ring. I spin him around.

"Woah!" He placed a hand on my shoulder then looked into my eyes. I smile and put a hand on his hip then take his other hand. He began to slow dance.

A few hours later at sunset

I look over the ocean towards the sunset.

"Perfect." I go towards Rouge and get the ring I hug her. I go back towards the ocean but not to close for Sonic. "Hey Sonic, come here!" I hid the box behind my back so he wouldn't see it. He came to me and everybody was looking at us and Rouge had a her camera out.

"What's going on Shadow?" That innocent face, that smile, that voice, he lights up my darkness. I knew that this was the right choice. I grab his hand and put the box in my quills secretly.

"We have been dating for a while, we are growing a family, I feel so warm and happy around you and I feel like I can do anything." Sonic's eyes were sparkling and his other hand was on his heart.

He was speechless, I smiled and let out a happy tear. It trickled down my muzzle and I smiled.

"I want to ask you a very important question that may change our lives forever." He nodded and I kneeled down on one knee. "Sonic 'Marice' Hedgehog" I chuckled at the middle name even though it is not his full legal name.

He rolled his eyes play fully, now having his hand on his mouth. I took in a deep breath.

"This hard for me but, will you, the love of my life, make me the happiest hedgehog alive and marry me?" I squealed and Rouge took a picture before the squeal.

"Shadow the hedgehog..." I waited, i knew he had pause dramatic affect. "Yes! Of course I will marry you!" I slide the ring on his ring finger and as soon as I did everyone cheered. I picked my newly fiance up and spun around from the happiness. We laughed and we both cried tears of joy. I place him down and lay a hand on his hip and pull him closer.

"Where's the champagne?" I asked jokingly and we all partied.

"This was the best surprise ever." He smiled and looked at me. The music was playing and everyone was dancing so the didn't hear us. We sat by the water and watched the sunset together.

"Best day ever."

"I agree" I smiled.


If I don't post tomorrow I promise I will post next weekend because this took me this entire week.

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