19. How many days are left?

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19. How many days are left?
Sonic POV

It was the next day after the proposal, Shadow and I were shopping.

"Oooo, Shadow look." I point towards some baby shirts and he smiled.

"I can't believe that we're really together, I'm so happy that we're starting a family that we can have together." He grabs my waist and pulls me closer. I blush and look away.

"Shadz, how many more days until the babies here again." I look up at him and tilt my head.

"It is close to October. Maybe a week?" He reassured me the date, I hoped up in glee my stomach was getting a bit big. Shadow laid a hand right above the baby and rubbed that spot gently. I felt a kick and groan as I held onto his other arm. I never felt 'em do that before.

"Oh my god, did you feel that Shadow?" I asked as he held my hip so I can hold my balance.

"I felt it alright." He said happily. He then picked me up. I told him to put me down, and he did.

I turn to my left and saw the perfect shirt. It had the title "Our Little Ultimate Mobian Hero" I feel like it was made for us.

"This is the perfect shirt for our baby." I told shadow as I smiled and picked it up. He read it and chuckled.

"That is the perfect shirt him, or her." He smiled and looked at my stomach. "I can't wait to see them."

"Me too" I replied and put a hand on my stomach. "Let's go to the cash register." We walked to the register and checked out. We began our journey back home.

We arrived and Shadow opened the door and I walked upstairs and placed down the bags. I took all of the items out the bags.

I had got some stuff and decorations for the babies room. I can't wait until he or she is finally here I sit down and rub my belly then smile.

"Only a week left darling." I smile and continue taking the items out of the bags.


Sorry I took so long I usual post on Fridays early in the morning but I didn't finish the chapter :^, so there you go. Also, sorry for short chapter.

5 Years In The Future (Sonadow)[Currently Being Edited]Where stories live. Discover now