20. Cravings before birth

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Aesthetic_sonic/me: "Hello there, I'm sorry about not posting and stuff, you know middle school is a mess, there was exams, drama, rumors, and homework on the weekends, I hate homework, I try to keep up on being a honor's student. I really try. Anyway, I really hope you all like this chapter, c'ya.✌🏾
20. Cravings before birth
°○Shadow POV○°
6 days from the proposal/ 6 days later

I just gotten back home from the cafe, Sonic told them that he has to quit to be a stay at home parent, so I took the role of taking care of the bill's. I walked up stairs and once I opened the door I almost fell back when I felt a lovely Sonic jump on me. I caught him (by the rear) and smiled.

"Looks like someone missed me-" I was cut off by soft lips.

He finished kissing me and came up to my ear blushing like a perfectly red apple.


Me: "Mmm~ apples." Drooling over the sound of apples.

Shadow: "Shut up little girl-"

Me: "Excuse you, if it weren't for me, Uno will not be with you." Whips hair and makes Shadow continue.


"I'm craving you Shady-bear~" Aww, damn why now, why not after the pregnanc- He has his cravings, I forgot. I grabbed him by the hips and did what I usually do I came down to his neck and nibbled on it a bit, letting a few moans come out. Then he will come back to normal, right. This time he wanted more than just nibbles, when I mean more, I mean needy. "Come on, I wanna have 'fun' with you Shady,~" He tugged on my arm. No, no, NO! I can't do this now, we already did it before, he already might have twins, but triplets! Him and I can not handle that.

"My sweet blueberry, we can't do this right now, you know, the baby, if I do it I will be rough and I can't do that. You will be swollen, or possibly bleed. I don't want that," I lestured him about the consequences. "Maybe after the pregnancy, ok blueberry?" I reassured him. He pouted and crossed his arms.

"Well then, the babies are coming out tomorrow," He reassure me as well.

"Wait, how are you sure about the twins? Did you go to the doctor already?" I asked a bit concerned.

"No, Tails came over since I asked him to give me a check up. He did that and that's when he told me that I was have twins. Also he knows the genders," He answered me, then smiled. I can't believe it, we're really having twins, wait what if both of them are girls, I'll protect them with my life.


"Damn, what the hell!" I yelled, Sonic grabbed my hand and we ran outside. Oh no.

"EGGMAN?!" We said in sync.

"Darling go inside, it's to dangerous," I told him picking him up and putting him on the couch.

"No babe, let me go, I wanna help," He squirmed and wiggled. I shook my head and wrapped him in a blanket.

"Now, you smexy burrito, you can't go help in this condition, you are pregnant, if you go your risking yours and out childs life, and I don't want to loose you. Just stay here alright, I will make you chili dogs when I come back, ok?" I lestured him, he nodded. I kissed him and he kissed back. I let go. "I love you," I whispered in his ear.

"I love you too Shady," He giggled, I turned on the tv to the news then I left to take care of fat ol' robotnik.
"Hey handsome," Rouge welcomed. I smirked a bit.

"Let's kick some robot butt," I told them.

"Where's Sonic?" Fox boy asked a bit concerned. I know his name, I just don't like using it. I looked at him while chaos spearing bots.

"Home, you know he can't get himself into any trouble because of the- ya know," I answered looking at him not trying to spoil anything for egghead.

"Ooooooh," he replied finally getting the memo while flinging some robots with his tails.
Hot head punched the last one. I dusted myself off.

"Well our job here is done. Better luck next time Ivo," I said as I chaos controlled back home. In a flash I was there, I sat on the couch and put my arm around my fiance.

"Shadow..." He blushed and looked away.

"Hm? What is it, why so shy?" I asked pulling him closer. He yelped holding his stomach. I put an arm in front him and he put his head back catching deep breaths.

"You pulled me to quickly, I wasn't ready," He puffed his cheeks and crossed his arms. I chuckled then smiled.

"So what were you going to ask me?" I reminded him facing him towards me seeing him blush in return and dim his eyes looking over at the ground.

"I was going to ask you when we were getting married. I know, I know, you proposed to me a few days ago but..." a tear came down his face.

"Hey hey, don't cry. Just tell me," He looked back up at me when I wiped the tear from his muzzle.

"I don't know what may happen to us in the future. I wanna live a happy life with you, where there will be no worries," He sobbed into my chest.

"Well if this makes you feel any better. The day after tomorrow we will get married at a special place," I smiled and he looked up at me smiling a bit tears streaming down his face. I wiped off the tears and kissed my beloved fiance. He kissed back in delite.

"Shadow, I'm hungry," His stomach growled in hunger.

"Alright, I'll make some chili dogs," I stood up and walked to to the kitchen. I took a pot and filled it with water. I put it on the stove and turned on the burner.
"Dinner has been served," I smiled and gave Sonic his chili dogs. I love my sweet submissive azure hedgehog.

"Thank you so much Shady," he smiled and ate, we cuddled and finished our food. We fell asleep while watching a movie. I am so grateful for my happiness, my Sonic is all I ever wanted.

 I am so grateful for my happiness, my Sonic is all I ever wanted

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ART BY: @Aesthetic_sonic/me

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