13. Am I Going To Get Pregnant?

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13. Am I Going To Get Pregnant?
Sonic POV

"Shadow what do you mean by it broke." I sat up and saw white stuff all over the sheets. "What is that!"

"That's called cum, that liquid makes babies Sonic. So you may get pregnant...I'm sorry."

"This can not be happening." I started to heavily breathe and panic. Shadow wrapped his arms around my waist to calm me down. My breathing slowed down and I cuddle into his chest fur.

"Even if you were to get pregnant right now I would still be here and take care, and protect you both, no matter the cost." He said that like he meant it and he did.

I started to feel dizzy and my eyes became heavy. I yawned as a signal that I was tired.

Shadow POV
I looked at my tired lover with a smirk.

"I must have worn you out." I said still having a smirk on my face. I hummed a lullaby to put him in ease about being pregnant.

I grabbed my phone and dialed a certain bat.

"Hey hun~"

"Hey bat, I'm in a bit of a sticky situation right now, and I need your help." I left the room with a shirt.

"What do you need hun." I sighed.

"I need a pregnancy test for Sonic." I scratched the back of my neck.

"Hun, he's a guy he can't get pregnant unless he's a her-" I interrupted her.

"A herm." I sighed, I put a hand behind my head, as I walked into the kitchen. I poured some coffee in a mug.

"Also, why can't you buy a pregnancy and why did you not use protection." She sounded furious.

"I didn't want people to think of why an 'edgy' ebony hedgehog is buying pregnancy test," I took a sip of my coffee,"and I did use one, it broke when I came." I rolled my eyes as I sat down in the living room.

"Alright fine I'm coming let me go and get it."

"Make sure you bring fox boy."

"Alright, bye hun."

"Whatever" I hung up and looked outside, it was 3 at noon. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I looked towards the direction of the sound.

"Hey Shads." Sonic out on a happy smile that made me put on a smile.

"How did you sleep love?" I grabbed his hips and pulled him on my lap.

"It was nice, I had a dream about something but it might freak you out." He blushed at the fact that he was sitting on my lap.

"Tell me all about it I want to know what you dreamt of." I put my chin on his shoulder.

"In the dream I was pregnant gave birth and once that happened I woke up. Short story, I know." He looked over at me and kissed my forehead when he was done.

"Oh, I almost forgot Rouge and Tails are coming over to give you a check up." I nibbled on his neck.

"Oh *giggles* well, are you excited to see if I'm pregnant or not?" He giggled even more and moaned a little.

"Of course I'm going to be excited if it's positive." I turned him around so he would be facing me then we kissed.

Knock knock knock

I picked up Sonic and placed him right next to where I was sitting then got up, I opened the door.

"Hey hun." She held up the pregnancy test and walked in to get to Sonic. "Here you go hun. You know how to take it right?" Sonic nodded.

"My mom told me how." He got up and went to the bathroom...

TBC... Maybe.

Jk, I am going to continue this, love ya.

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