10. Are You Sure Sonic

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10. Are You Sure Sonic
Shadow POV

1 week later

I was laying down next to Faker, cuddling. We were trying to fall asleep. When Sonic looked up at me. I looked down and made eye contact with his adorable eyes. I then saw a light blush appear on his face.

"Um Shads, can I tell you something?"

"Hm? Of course."

"I think I'm ready now." He looked embarrassed.

"Do you mean...?" He nodded and covered his face. So adorable. I uncovered his face and got on top of him.

"Eep!" He was a bit shock of my lust. I kissed him and asked for entry, he opened his mouth a little, I slipped my tongue in and explored. I came in contact with his tongue, we fought for dominance.

I pulled away to his neck, he let out soft moans as I kissed, licked, and nibbled on his neck. I started to make my way down to his stomach and kissed all over it.(XD)  I made my way to his pants and started to pull them down. He tensed up and blushed hard and let me continue.

("I am not like this, WTF!"

"Nu interrupt Shadow, let my finish this art of a chapter, the fans are eager."

"Shadow your breaking the fourth wall."

"I don't give a damn."

"Pls just let me continue? 😭"

"Fine fucking cry baby.")

"So this is what a female's part looks like." I said sarcastically.

Shadow stop that!




arrators POV

Shadow said lustfully. Sonic tensed up once more and felt something wet and pleasuring in his female area.

"Ah Shadow~" Sonic moaned aloud. He clinched onto the pillow and was pulling it down out of pleasure. He felt a finger slip in and yelped then another. He was still being liked on his clitoruos.

"Hehe~" Shadow chuckled evily and to rubbed and finger Sonic's pussy.(I had to sorry mature content)

"Shadooow~, I-I'm g-gonna, FUCK~" Sonic came all over Shadows hand and face as he pulled his hand out. Shadow licked his face clean then put on a smirk.

"Gotta use protection. Don't want to have you getting risked of pregnancy." Shadow got a condom and took off his pants (he had no shirt on.
Hurry up and finish damnit. Your turning Sonic gay.
Alright sheesh.) He slipped the condom on and Sonic was shocked by the size of it. Shadow smirked and said "You ready my love?"

Sonic was speechless so he just nodded and on they went.

"No more pls"

"And I'm gay! Pride month gotta new member *hick*"

"Did he get in the Alcohol again!"

"Nu I dwidn't, I drink that *hick* wine."

"Shadow bring him to bed."

"Hell no, I know what your trying to do, and I ain't going for it."

"Do I smell a Chicken?😈"

"I am not a Chicken, I'll have sex with him to show you."

"Oh really?"

"Hell yea, come on Sonic, let's go fuck."

"Yay gay sex. Coming!"

"Well uh that's it for today, tonight, or afternoon. See you later loves and vote for the actual lemon and this side lemon. Bye!


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Wait for me guys I wanna record it!"

The End...

For Now.

5 Years In The Future (Sonadow)[Currently Being Edited]Where stories live. Discover now