16. Sonic, You Might Get Twins

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Sorry no lemon yaoi this time. But, I'll be sure (if I can remember) to make a book of lemons. School is really hectic and I might get homework on the weekends now. But when I'm done with things like today (Tuesday, Sept 8/ 7 before my birthday.) I will write then post on the weekends (Saturday or Sunday, sometimes Friday) or on any special events like mardi gras( talking to you fellow Louisianans and all you other people that have mardi gras 😌) and other like Christmas, Hanukkah, New years, Valentines day, etc.

Anyway before I get carried away, I'm going to get on with the chapter

Sonic POV

I stood up from our bed room and looked outside at the bright sun. I opened the window and smelt the fresh air. I smiled and smelt another smell like, my favorite smell.

"CHILLI DOGS!!" I smelt my own scent, a very light but strong vanilla. I then smelt another scent a nice citrus fruit coming from my belly. I rubbed my belly and smiled. I walked down stairs and smelt a strong lavender. I looked in the kitchen following the scent.

I saw Shadow cooking chilli dogs. I hugged him and kissed his cheek. He smiled and turned around. He smelt around me.

"Why do you have to different scents?" He seemed confused so I pointed at my belly. "So fast, how?"

"I don't know. I was suprised and confused on where the citrus was coming from at first, it got stronger as I looked down." I explained to my confused lover.

"Well it smells amazing." He leaned into my neck and nibbled. I was going to fall back from the uncontrollable pleasure but he caught. He finished and licked one last time. He was smiling "I love the way you smell I can never get enough of it."

"And you have a nice and calming lavender smell, I might fall asleep." He was turnt around and was finishing.

"Well I let you sleep on me tonight, you and our new family member." I smiled and he gave me a plate with 3 chilli dogs and he only had 1 on his plate.

"Do you wanna take one of mine Shadow?" I picked one up.

"Nah I'm fine, I don't want that many." He hugged me and with the his empty hand and held onto me tight. I felt a bit nauseous and I felt something coming up. I pushed him away and put my plate down, then rushed to the bathroom.

"W-why?" I said in between my puking. He rushed after me and pulled my quills back. It felt like hell.

5 minutes later


"Are you ok Sonic?" He said in a concerned voice. I shook my head. He rubbed my back, and helped me stand up. I collapsed in his arms, I felt so sick. He sat me down on the couch and handed me a chilli dog, "Maybe you need something to eat." I opened my mouth and he fed me. I chewed and slowly swallowed it. I felt much better now.

"I feel much better now Shadow." I smiled and hugged him, I let go and kissed him. He kissed back and we soon released the kiss. I then ate my chilli dogs except for one. I gave that one to Shadow. Turns out he actually wanted 2. We went into the backyard and sat on the couch swing. It was slightly swinging.

"I'm happy I'm here with you Sonic." He looked at me with honesty.

"Me too Shadow, me too." I smiled and looked up at the light blue sky.


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