Chapter 7 Leelen

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We look at each other without saying a word for I don't know how much time. I look at him like it's the first time I really see him, trying to memorize each one of his features, each one of his scars. My mate... It seems so unbelievable and somehow, it seems right.

I can't believe that only yesterday I was talking with Cyra explaining her why I would never find someone. And even if I remember my arguments for not dating, how broken I am, I can't help to feel... excited. I've always loved a good romance book, but nothing compares with a story when the two of them are meant to be together, when something bigger than them decides they are right for each other.

Dimitri looks like he could spend hours like this, watching each other faces, reactions... He is too beautiful to be real, he looks so different than all the guys I've met. He is strong, but somehow seem weaker when he looks at me, like I have to power to hurt him, to brake him.

-What does this really mean for us? I ask him after a long time. How it will affect us?

-I honestly don't know... No warrior ever bonded with a witch, I don't know anything about our bond.

-Oh!... Then what would bonding mean if I were like you?

-If you were like me most likely until now we would have... he blushes and I laugh seeing him like this. You know.

-We would have had sex? It's ok, I will not have a panic attack if you say the word 'sex', if I would I will always be unconscious around Cyra. She always tells me about her sex life. What else?

-The bond would grow stronger after that, it will be sensed by anyone, not only those close to us. And after that, in a few weeks, we would complete the bonding ritual, being officially bonded.

-What means officially bonded? And what is the ritual?

-The ritual is a ceremony in which we accept the bond in front of some witnesses. It's like a marriage ritual for humans, a commander asks us if we accept the bond and if we say yes we would be... well, we would be branded with our bond sign.

-Branded? Like...

-No, not like that, he says understanding my fear. It is not painful and it is not done by someone, it is said that after accepting the bond the sign just appears on our hands. Also it is said that there is no pain when this happens, but it feels like you are finally complete.

-Who says all of this? I ask not fully understanding.

-Books, he says smiling. I've never met any bonded warriors, I've told you, it is extremely rare nowadays to find your leelen.

-What if I don't want this bond? his eyes darken, he looks like I've just punched him.

-Nothing, he says looking into my eyes. I told you I don't expect something from you, that I know this will not change anything between us. I know what you've been through and I don't want you to feel like you are forced to do something with or for me. The reason why I've told you this is because I wanted you to feel safe with me...

-Why will I feel safer knowing this? You still tried to kill me when we met...

-The bond doesn't appear instantly. I started to feel it after 3 hours of standing close to you, that's when you've started to feel it too.

-What do you mean?

-You were unconscious and I was staying with you, I just couldn't let you alone, I think it was the bond. I was sitting on your bed looking at you, realizing how beautiful you are, waiting for Raze to tell me who you were, when you reached for my hand. When our hands connected, that's when I felt it, to bond... It was so intense, so hard to fight it, I almost kissed you in that moment, mad to make you m... he stops looking at me, searching for the horror he expects me to feel.

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