Chapter 10 Imagine him naked

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The training room, as they call it, is the biggest gym I've ever seen, it's has tons of equipments all over the place, a large area with mattresses where some guys are wrestling, a huge pool and hanging from the ceiling lots of robes, chains and hooks. I know in an instant I will never in my life be able to learn how to use all of this and I feel overwhelmed with everything. 

I'm a bookworm, not a sports girl. I hate sports! I can't run more than 1 mile without my lungs burning and I've never did strength training. I will make a fool out of myself.

-It's everything ok, Anays? Dimitri asks pulling me away from the others. We can leave if you want, he offers.

-I'm... I don't think I can do this, I confess and his eyes are darkening. No! I almost yell when I realize what he thinks I'm saying. No, not us, this... I say gesturing around us. I am the worst at sports, I've never been good at it, I've always stuck to my books...

-I'll train you, leelen, and we are taking it slow. I'll make sure your body will get just as strong as your mind is. But we are taking it slow, don't worry. You can do this!

He leans in and gives me the sweetest kiss ever, making all my fears disappear just like that. He takes my hand and screams to the others:

-I'll train Anays, Raze, he informs, no room for objections. We are going outside for some laps. See y'all!

We get out of the training room in a beautiful garden, where other people are running too. Nice, I'll have even and audience as I embarrass myself and my weak lungs.

-We'll run for 30 minutes and after that we will do strength training for one hour.

He talks like he just told me we will watch a movie, not kill ourselves. Who the hell he thinks I am? Wonder woman? No way in hell I could train for one hour and a half!

But he seems to think I can, because he gives me a fitness wristband and looks like he's waiting for me to put it on.

-I can't... I start.

-I promise you, you're stronger than you think. Now come on! After physical training, we'll need to start reading those books Dara promised you.

And he is right, I am stronger than I thought. I can't say it feel easy to run for so much time, but he doesn't go too fast, keeping it a light jogging. I am sweating and breathing hard, but I can't seem to run out of breaths. 

Well, things get worse during strength training, I have zero upper body strength, zero coordination and zero ideas how to use the machines he is pointing me to. But Dimitri is nice and keeps encouraging me. He explains how every single one of the equipment works, how I should move and how my muscles should feel. He even kisses me after every completed set, which makes everything bearable. 

He trains too, but obviously not the same way as I do. He lifts the equivalent of my entire body with just one freaking hand and moves his arms in some strange angles. After that he needs to train his back, he says, and starts pulling himself up on a bar. He looks fucking hot when he trains, I have to admit, and I am quite sure I look like a tomato. 

This man must be a God or something, he doesn't seem to ever get tired, no weight seems too much for him and he moves with such ease. How the hell he's not even sweating is a puzzle to me. I can help to imagine how good he would look without his shirt on, allowing me to fully admire his muscles and his strong body. 

I blush as I remember just how gorgeous his body was this morning, water running down on him, his hair a sexy mess and his cocky smile when he saw how I reacted only by looking at him.

-For fuck's sake, Josh screams from across the room. I'm forever traumatized by those imagines, Anays! he says yelling at me and my cheeks are on fire. Thank you very much!

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