Chapter 15 The bond

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I look at my reflection in my small bathroom mirror and I don't recognize the girl staring back at me. Six weeks of good sleep, training, loving and being loved are showing on me. I look like I'm glowing. Besides the fact that I'm in the best shape I've ever been, I don't have those huge dark circles and no sad eyes looking back at me. 

Anays, I can't believe you're going to wear this! I think blushing. 

Just before living Cyra gave me a beautiful box only saying 'I've been waiting to give you this since forever' and than just went out the door. I didn't even had the time to say thank you. What I've found there, left me on tomato mode. The most sexy nightgown I've ever seen was beautifully wrapped up with one little note on top of it:

You will look even more beautiful in it, my love!  

PS: I want to know ALL the details tomorrow! 

I put it on and loved it instantly, but it was so not my style it made be blush. The little satin dress is not too tight on my body and emphases my curves. It has some lace around the low-cut neck and at the bottom, just 2 inches above my knees. Also the color suits me nicely, black always made me look good and made me feel confident. If Cyra knows one thing, that's fashion and sexy lingerie is her specialty. 

Two knocks on the bathroom door make me gasp.

-Are you ok in there, leelen? Dimitri's voice worried. Look, we could just watch a movie or something, we don't have to...

I realize it must have been more than an hour since I come in to take a shower and he might think I have second thoughts about it. Which I don't... Hell, no. I just needed some privacy and time to just gather my thoughts. I breath in and out, calming my nerves. 

You are crazy about him, I say  to myself, and he's amazing. He is your soulmate, you can feel the chain binding your souls together, what's there to be nervous about? 

I close my eyes and breath in again feeling my body relax as I walk to open the door and meet his surprised face. He looks at me from head to toe with his eyes wide open and his lips forming a 'o'. Dimitri's eyes stop on my chest as he swallows hard. I feel myself blushing, but seeing how he looks at me makes me feel beautiful, wanted and this warms my heart.

-You look so beautiful, he says as he leans in to kiss me and takes my breath away. Are you sure you want to do this, Anays? he asks me looking into my eyes and I nod unable to speak.

He takes my hand and directs me to my... our bedroom and now is my turn to be shocked. When did he had time for this? The room is dark but candles are burning everywhere giving the space a worm light and I am so grateful for it. Not because I am afraid of the dark cause I am not, not anymore, thanks to Dimitri, but I want to be able to see him every second. I know it is cheesy and kind of a cliche, but I love it and I love that he thought about doing this. 

I turn around to face him and take one step back to look at him, God he's gorgeous. Dimitri is wearing a black pair of shorts hanging dangerously low on his hips and nothing else. I bite my lip in anticipation, already knowing just how sexy he looks naked and how good his skin feels under my touch. A cocky smile appears on his face.

-Like what you see? he asks closing the distance between us. 

I put my hands on his chest feeling his muscles tightening as they do everytime I touch him. I smile knowing I have this effect on Dimitri, that with just one touch I can make his eyes burn with lust. 

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