Chapter 11 His life begins and ends with you

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Dimitri's driving us back to my place, his eyes on the road, singing softly along with the radio, he seems calm, even happy. I on the other side I am so nervous I can't stop my legs from shaking. I don't know how Cyra is going to react when I will show up with Dimitri by my side, introducing him as my boyfriend. I am afraid she will see right through me, realizing something is off, realizing what I might be, being scared of me...

-Penny for your thoughts, Dimitri says as he's parking in front of my building. 

-I was thinking about how will Cyra react... I'm afraid she will see through my lies, she know me like no one else. I don't want to put her in danger...

-Well, good thing we are not lying to her, right?

-But we are! I say confused. Aren't we?

-You are going to tell her that I am your boyfriend, right? I nod. Well, that's not a lie. I really am your boyfriend, right? 

-I...I think so, I say not so convinced.

His eyes are darkening and he puts his hands on each side of my head, almost touching my lips with his.

-You think so? he says brushing gently my lips. 

I close my eyes waiting for the kiss to come, I even open my mouth inviting him to carry on. But he is just teasing me, kissing my cheeks, brushing his tongue against my lips, moving his hands on my face gently. I moan in frustration wanting him to stop playing around. 

-What do you want, Anays?he asks even though he knows exactly what I want.

-For you to start kissing me, I say surprised on my own words, I just can't believe how much he changed me in no time.

-Than tell me, Anays, isn't it truth that I am your boyfriend? he asks and my eyes open to meet green eyes devouring mine. 

-You never said you wanted to be my boyfriend, I say trying to hide my eyes from him and failing, because he forces me to look directly at him when he says:

-I want to be you boyfriend, your lover, your best friend, your confident. I want to be everything to you, Anays, just as you are my everything.

I smile and he kisses me, he really kisses me making my head go dizzy, enjoying his sweet taste, his tongue in my mouth, gently touching me. He bites my lips before ending the kiss and I shiver, feeling butterflies in my stomach. 

-Let's go and meet your friend, he says while going out of the car and coming to open my door. As much as I want to meet Cyra and thank her myself for being there for you, I can't wait to get over with this and be alone with you.

-Dimitri, I say holding his hand, she is really important to me so please, please try to like her, ok? 

-Leelen, she was there for you when no one was, she helped you heal and I don't care if she will hate me or try to murder me while I sleep, I will still like her.

When I enter the apartment, Cyra is standing on the couch watching her favorite TV show, she smiles and me and turns it off.

-Hey, love! Welcome home! Where the hell were you? she say coming to me, but freezing as she sees Dimitri behind me. What the hell?

She looks at him like he might be a ghost or something, and when she lowers her gaze and sees his hand carefully placed  on my waist her jaw is almost hitting the floor. 

-Hi, Cyra! I say hugging and kissing her. I told you we will have company, didn't you see my note? 

-I thought you were shitting me, she says her eyes still wide open analyzing him. Who are you again? she says addressing him directly.

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