Chapter 13 Accepting

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The alarm goes off at 5 in the morning and despite the hour I've rested like never before. I stop the alarm without opening my eyes an stretch my back. Big hands grab me and easily roll me over. I lend on top of Dimitri's naked and wet body and I smile like a child when I see how happy he seams.

-Good morning, beautiful! he gives me a kiss ignoring my probably horrible morning breath.

-You're wet! I say giggling.

-I just got out of the shower...

-It's 5 in the morning! I cry out. When did you got up?

-A little earlier... like an hour ago.

-You're crazy!

He touches my naked body and I blush remembering how his hands felt on my body last night. How good it felt to be kissed and caressed all over by this amazing man.

-Beautiful! he says pushing me so he could take a better look at me. Just beautiful.

I realize the only thing between our bodies are our underwears and I shiver enjoying how good it feels.

-I've made you coffee, he says reaching for my a cup on the night table while we stand up on the bed.

I cover myself with the sheet and he starts to laugh.

-You're so sweet when you blush like this.

And he just pulls the sheet out of my arms living me once again only in my underwear. I frown.

-Don't get upset, leelen. There is no point in covering yourself in front of me, right?

-But it's not ok to see me all naked! I say and realize just how stupid this sounds considering last night.

He lets his head to fall back and laughs once again, his entire body moving.

-Leelen, I've seen EVERY PART OF YOU.

My face is on fire and I cover my face with my hands trying to hide the embarrassment that I feel remembering how his lips touched me.

-Here, take your coffee.

He hands it to me, I take a sip and I realize he knows how I drink it: black with just a little bit of milk. I don't know if it is possible, but I feel my heart melting for this guy.

-Breakfast is on the kitchen. Cyra told me you like scrambled eggs...

-You cooked breakfast for me. I say in shock. Wow!

He scratches his head and lowers his gaze.

-Is this 'wow' a good 'wow' or a bad one?

I go to him putting my arms around his neck.

-It is a 'you-are-so-amazing-i-think-my-heart-will-explode' kind of 'wow'.

-Did Cyra woke up yet?

-Yep, she said to tell you she's at the gym and she expects you to meet her here before work to talk.

-Did she heard us?... he nods.

-She told me as soon as she laid eyes on me that if that moans were not the hot kind of moans I will be a dead man.

Finding my Leelen [completed]Where stories live. Discover now