1. Before dark

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Peter: 19 + 20
Susan: 18
Edmund: 16
Lucy: 13
(Birthdays are the same as the actors 🤷‍♀️😂)

20th April

"And where do you think you're going?"

Edmund froze completely, his eyes slipping shut. He took a deep breath and turned around to see Peter, walking towards him from the other end of the corridor. "Peter!" He said. "I was just going to, um well, I wanted to-"

"Spit it out Ed." Peter said in an amused tone, stopping in front of his brother.

Edmund raised an eyebrow. "I was off for a ride with Phillip." He said eventually, staring at his brother.

Peter frowned. "But it'll be dark soon." He said, nodding out the window.

Edmund sighed. "I know but-" He paused. "Not for another hour or two, I promise I'll be back before dark."

"And it's late." Peter added, crossing his arms across his chest.

Edmund rolled his eyes. "Peter I'm sixteen!" He exclaimed. "It's only 5pm and I've promised I'll be back by dark."

Peter stared at him for a moment. "I don't know." He mumbled.

"Come on Peter." Edmund said. "Its not like anything's gonna happen to me, it's spring, so I wont get too cold, Phillip will be with me, I'll be back before dark, and I wont go too far from the castle."

Peter stared at him. "Why are you so desperate to go anyway?" He questioned.

Edmund sighed. "Like you, I love getting some peace of quiet." He said. "Which doesn't happen often."

Peter chuckled. "You're telling me." He said, sighing warmly. "Alright, you can go."

Edmund smiled a little. "Thank you." He said, turning to leave.

"But if you're back even a second after dark, I'll kill you." Peter said, but Edmund could hear the amusement in his voice, causing him to smirk. "I'll be back in time, there'll be no need to kill me!" And with that he disappeared around a corner.

Peter let out a sigh before turning back around and going off in search of Susan and Lucy, who he'd been told were in the library. He finally reached it and stepped inside, seeing both his sisters leant over a large book that they placed on a nearby table. "What you doing?" Peter asked, walking over and peering over their shoulders.

Susan looked up at him and smiled. "Just looking a bit more into Narnian history." She said. "Its actually rather satisfying."

"Over 4 years we've been in Narnia." Lucy said. "You'd of thought we'd know it all by now, but there's still more!"

Peter chuckled at the excitement in her voice, and for a moment she looked like that 9 year old that had just stepped through a wardrobe into a magical land, and not the 14 year old she was now. "Found anything interesting?" He asked.

Susan frowned slightly. "We found a book explaining quite literally the life story of the white witch." She said.

Peter frowned. "You've not come across it before?" He asked.

"It was right at the end of the library." Lucy explained. "On the last bookshelf."

Peter nodded a little. "Well?" He asked. "What did it say?"

"Did you know she destroyed her whole world by speaking one word." Susan said.

Peter nodded. "I've heard that mentioned a few times yeah." He breathed.

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