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Walking down the sidewalk with my hair hanging in my face I ignore the rain that was pelting my skin. I just needed to get where I was going. I didn't have a plan B if this one didn't work out so I'm banking on it working.

"Alright DJ just get this over with. Mom doesn't know that you're gone yet."

I stopped in front of the tall wire gates that were set open widely. Slowly I make my way up to the closed doors of the clubhouse. This was probably the stupidest thing I've done in awhile, but it had to be done. I had to know who my father was, so that I could get emancipated from my mother and go on with the rest of my life.

Checking my watch I see it's eight pm, so I hope they don't go to bed early. Knocking on the heavy door that has Property Of Hades Hellions spray painted in red on it, I wait.

The voices I heard stopped as someone crept to the door opening it a sliver. There was a glock in the man's hand, I could tell from the way he held himself.

"Can I help you?" He asks and I nod.

"I need to speak with Roger Nelson." I say squaring my shoulders and standing taller.

The man in front of me was terrifying with tattoos everywhere I could see including his shaved cue ball head. It looks like I just pissed him off by mentioning the name I did.

"Who's asking for him?" He asks his voice hard.

I wasn't going to let him scare me since I had been around scarier men than the likes of him. Growing up on the streets isn't all rainbows and unicorns.

"Tell him his daughter is here." I say using my grown up voice.

He was surprised by it since I would have been too. I know what he sees, a seventeen year old girl with long black hair that is currently soaked and plastered to her face and neck. I didn't look intemidating at all.

"Who the hell are you anyways?" He asks not believing me. "Skip doesn't have a kid."

"Who the hell are you?" I retort my eyes not leaving the glare he was trying to cripple me with.

It wasn't working and he knew it.

"I'm Chris. Come in." He finally gives, opening the door and letting me walk in.

I was met with a lot of stares from a lot of grown men. But I didn't care at the moment.

"Skip! This kid is here to see you!" Chris yells not knowing my name since I never gave him one.

An older guy sitting at the bar stands. He has a long beard hitting the middle of his chest and a bandana holding his unruly long hair back. I now know where I get the black hair and blue eyes. I'm the girl version of him.

"Who the hell are you?" He asks but it doesn't phase me. He'd have to try a lot harder to get me to run.

"I'm your daughter, DJ." I say and everyone looks shocked at my declaration.

"The fuck you are, I don't have kids." Skip snaps and I just shrug pulling the envelope out that contains my birth certificate out.

"This says you are. Look I don't want anything. I just need you to sign some shit then I'll be gone." I explain as he starts walking towards me.

His eyes are narrowed as he takes the certificate before scanning it. Once he reads the bottom his face pales.

"Well shit." He mutters.

"Alright now that's out of the way. I just need you to sign these." I pull out the rest of the paperwork.

He walks me over to the bar looking over the paperwork.

Neco's One - Hades Hellions MC, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now