25 Neco's POV

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Closing my bedroom door I head for the bar. I need a fucking drink.

"How's our girl doing?" Skip asks as I drop into the booth with a beer in hand.

"Sleeping." I sigh leaning on the table.

I had her in my room since I wanted to keep her in my sight, but for right now I needed to let her sleep. Doc was on his way to take a look at her, but in the mean time she was curled up in my sheets.

"Why did we let him live?" I ask quietly spinning the bottle.

"He's the son of a mobster, we kill him, he won't stop coming after us, all we can do is wait for that jackass to come back. He will since he's stupid." Skip assures me, but it wasn't good enough.

He did things to my girl, and he can't get away with that. I'm ready to go to fucking war over her.

"She's not doing well." I admit. "She just stopped crying a few minutes before she fell asleep."

Skip nods almost like he knew what was happening with her, but he didn't. He didn't understand how tight she was holding onto me, how long she just sobbed unable to speak, unable to let me know what I needed to do to help her. DJ is so fragile right now that it's like anything will break her and I hate it.

I'm getting pissed just thinking about how broken that fuck made her. She's not broken, she never was, but right now that's the only word for her. Hell and I haven't even taken her on a fucking date yet. Fuck!

"I'm here!" Doc yells running in out of breath. "Where is the girl?"

I stand with Skip as I lead the both of them back to my room. Crossing to the bed I pull the comforter back a little bit.

"Darlin, the doc is here to see you." I whisper and she stirs slightly.

Her eyes snapping open as she goes ridgid, but when she meets my gaze she relaxes.

"What?" She asks, her voice scratchy.

"Doc needs to check you over. That okay?"

She nods taking my hand as I help her out of my bed.

"I need to know what happened, if you are okay with telling me." Doc says.

He kept all our medical records on file so that he could look back on them when we get fucked up again. It happened more than anyone wants to admit.

"O-okay. Where do you want me to start?"

"Moment you were taken." Doc says his eyes hard.

"I'd like names too honey if you can remember, club still isn't over this." Skip pipes up from where he is leaned up against the door.

Before she could start there was a banging on the door. "Open the fuck up!" Sarah yells before the door bursts open and she come barrelling into the room.

"Oh my god!" She yells looking over DJ who gives Sarah a small smile.

"DJ will do just fine." She whispers making Sarah roll her eyes before carefully hugging her.

"I'm glad you're not dead."

Shaking my head I wait for Sarah to let her go.

"Alright, you ready?" Doc asks and DJ nods slowly.

"Mindy something, I don't know her last name stuck me with a needle and was responsible for getting me to Xavier. Those are the only names I know." She says looking at her father.

Skip nods. "Okay."

"What are your injuries?" Doc asks.

"Umm..." DJ says blinking like she can't get her brain wrapped around them.

Neco's One - Hades Hellions MC, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now