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"You're shot!" I says pointing at his arm.

It's been awhile since I fired a gun let alone at someone. I was mostly freaked out from the fact that we almost died.

He glances down and then smirks at me. "Just a graze. I'm fine."

He's fine? No fucking way was he fine. Walking forward I shove the gun into the back of my jeans before grabbing his arm. Rolling his sleeve up I check it out seeing it's just a graze, but it was still bleeding a lot.

"Come on. I'll fix you up." I grab his good arm and drag him behind me towards the club house.

"What the fuck happened to you?" Skip asks his eyes on Neco's arm.

"We had some visitors." Neco mutters.

I shove Neco into a sitting position at one of the booths closest to us before pointing at him. "Sit and stay."

"Want me to bark too?" He asks humor evident in his voice.

Shaking my head I go back to my room grabbing my kit and standing next to him. His left arm is facing me and deciding it was easier for me to move than him I climb over him like a monkey and sit inside the booth.

"Alright, what happened?" Jax asks.

"Got your call and was heading home, then we were rolled up on. Bodies are probably still laying out there if you look hard enough."

I remember the gun and set it onto the table in front of Neco since it's his. Also has he had that thing the whole time or just part of the time?

Putting gloves on I start cleaning his arm up with peroxide and gauze pads.

"Chris, Hank, and Lewis! Go search the road for any sign of reakage. Bring anyone still breathing in." Jax was being a boss again.

I look around finding no Sarah and no Nix. Interesting. I'll have to ask one of them about that later. Before letting Neco go I wrap a bandage around his arm.

He looks down at me and winks. "Thanks Darlin'."

"No problem prince charming."

Pulling my hair up into a bun on top of my head I lean back against the booth as Neco continues to fill Skip and Jax in on what happened.


"Everyone! Church now!" Jax yells making me jump out of the staring contest I was having with my hands.

"I'll be back." Neco whispers making me look up at him.

He gives me a chased kiss that puts a light blush on my face before he hurries off down the hall. Shaking my head I get up and head towards my room.


(Skip's POV)

"What'd you find?" Jax asks the brothers as we all sit around the table older than half of the newcomers.

Neco sat next to me, his face stern as usual. For a kid he was grown as hell and I respected him for that. And now he's dating my daughter and I couldn't think of someone else that would keep her safe besides me and him.

DJ's mother's a fucking mess and now she's getting shot at, the kid couldn't get a break.

"Three of them are dead, all head shots. Fourth is unconcious and in our back shed." Chris our secretary says leaning back in his chair.


"You shoot em?" Jax asks looking at Neco.

He shakes his head. That meant one thing. DJ.

"DJ? She killed them?" Nix asks surprised as he leans into his elbows.

"They were shooting at us." Neco grunts out.

My kid killed three men and didn't even break down. Maybe she was more of me than her mother. Thank God for that.

"They have ID?" I pipe up.

I want to know the fuckers who were coming at club. Coming at my daughter. My flesh, my blood.

"Yeah, Las Vegas plates and license." Lewis states and I feel my fingers curl into balls.

"Shit." Jax, Neco, and I say in unison.

"So they were after DJ." I mutter.

Of course they fucking are. She had ties in Vegas that spooked me out, but I was more worried about her ex boyfriend. He is obsessed with her from the way he was trailing us through Vegas while we were there.

"What's the call?" Ryder asks.

"DJ is under lock down. She stays with one of the members at all times."

"She's not going to like that." I say quietly getting a chuckle through the guys.

Even though she's been here under a month DJ has made an impression on all of us. As strong and independent as the girl was it was going to get her hurt.

"Any other shit we need to talk about?" Jax redirected the meeting again.

A few minor topics were brought up about business and whores we have milling around. I wasn't listening most of the time, and I know I should have been since I'm the Vice President.

"Alright everyone get out. We're done here."

Checking the time I sigh. I need a drink. Standing I grabs Neco's shoulder.

"Come on kid. Drinks on me." I offer and he nods following me out.

"So you ask my daughter to date you yet?" I ask sitting down at the bar.

"Yeah." He says a slight ghost of a smile on his face.

It was a good look on him. I'd seen him at his worst and then the broken parts of him that ran on anger and agression. Happy wasn't something I thought he'd ever be.

"And by that smile I'm guessing she agreed."


"Atta boy, but if you break her I'll kill you myself."

He just smiles at me. "I know. I'd kill me too."

"Right." I hand him a beer and take one for myself as we look around the now crowded front bar.

There was no DJ in sight. But then again it was almost twelve.

"How'd she act after the accident?" I ask making him look over at me again.

"She was freaked out a little, then she started worrying over my arm."

I shake my head. These kids were acting older than they were. Seniors in highschool shouldn't be out running hitmen, killing people, and running king pins. It was hard to remember they are only eighteen.

"You good?"

"Just a scratch."

Neco wasn't much of a talker. I respected that since not everyone could sit in silence.

"I mean mentally. It's not every day you get shot at."

He gives me an 'are you serious' look since it was common to get shot at in this world.

"I'm good."

Neco's One - Hades Hellions MC, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now