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As my eyes drift open I freeze. Where the fuck am I? Did I get fucked up with the gang again or did that fight I was supposed to be in not go my way?

Then last night came flooding in and I remember I'm eighteen hours away from my mother and Xavier in South Dakota.

Sitting up I place my bare feet on the carpet beneath me before heading for the bathroom. It was around eight in the morning and sleep was still wearing on me. Doing my business I wash my hands before splashing cold water onto my face to wake myself up.

Going back out to the room I change getting dressed in a pair of ripped black skinny jeans and a white tank top before slipping on a beanie over my uncombed hair and a black zip up sweatshirt that had the gym logo on the back where I worked sometimes. Followed by my pair of black Nike kicks.

I had already heard voices so I just calmly wandered down the hallway stopping at the kitchen.

"Ooo grab some eggs out of there too I could really use some protein." A shorter guy says looking over the shoulder of another dude.

They didn't even hear me walk up so when the guy wanting eggs turns and looks at me he flys back into the counter with his hand on his chest.

"Jesus Christ! Who the fuck are you?!" He all but yells.

The guy was young around my age with the startings of a tattoo sleeve running up his arm from his wrist. He had a leather vest on that said he was a member of what I'm guessing is the biker club. His hair was brown with curls in it, but it was close to his head.

"Quit acting like a damn fool in front of my daughter Ryder. You're making the club look weak." I hear my father says as he walks into the kitchen.

"Your daughter?" The guy, Ryder asks his eyes widening.

"My name's DJ if your curious." I introduce myself with a slight wave.

Ryder nods before his eyes sweep back to my father.

"Since when did you have kids?"

"Oh shut up." Skip grumbles getting a mug down from the cabinet and filling it with coffee.

The second guy, who hadn't said much finally pulls his head out of the fridge standing to around six one or six two. He had blonde hair and green eyes.

"DJ, that's Nix. He's your cousin." Skip says making my eyes widen slightly.

I had more family?

"Hey." Nix says holding his hand out to me.

I shake it.

"Nice to meet you."

"Likewise. How old are you anyways?"


He nods. "Cool you're my age." He states and I feel my eyebrows raise slightly.

He was seventeen? He didn't look seventeen at all, but then again neither did I half the time. Looking older was a blessing and a curse.

I nod, not knowing really what to do. So I just smile slightly before letting go of his hand.

"Are you two almost done? We were supposed to be over at Micky's an hour ago." The man I saw last night sitting with the other man my father said was the president says walking in.

Jesus I need to learn some names.

"Hey Neco. Yeah we're almost done. Have you met my cousin?" Nix asks tossing an egg at Ryder.

Neco's One - Hades Hellions MC, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now