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Getting back to the clubhouse I glance over at Neco who has been silent since we left the strip joint. I didn't even realize what I was doing until I had the guy pinned. All I saw was him slipping the pill in and then I acted.

I knew what it felt like to be drugged. Nothing was worse than not knowing what was going on until it was too late, then you felt everything, and couldn't do anything to stop it.

"Yo! Neco! I need your help!" Nix yells from the garage making both of us jump out of the staring contest we were having.

Neco had the prettiest brown eyes I had ever seen.

"Go see what Sarah is doing. And make sure you don't pin anyone to a table. Come get me if something happens."

When I didn't say anything and just went to get out he caught my arm pulling me to him in one motion. My hands landed on his chest and I tried to ignore the position we were in.

"Come get me if something happens, yeah?" He asks his voice lower than normal as his eyes bore into mine.

Swallowing hard I feel butterflies erupt in my stomach as I nod slowly.


A smirk comes over his lips, but neither of us move.

"Good girl." He whispers before letting go of me and getting out.

Jesus Christ, the flood gates have been opened with two words. Who am I? Normally being bossed around didn't turn me on at all. I have always hated being told what to do, but he kept getting away with it.

Getting out I hurried inside finding Sarah sitting in a booth playing solitare.

"Why's your face so red?" She asks when she spots me.

"It's not." I knew I didn't sound convincing as I covered my face with my hands.

"It is. What happened?"

I've come to notice that Sarah is hyper observant and it was not playing in my favor.


No way was I admitting anything to her.

"Hmm. Is it a boy?"

My face heated more and she just smiles knowing she was getting warmer.

"It is! Who? Neco?"

How the hell was she doing this? Was I seriously that easy to read?

"Oh my god it is! What he do? Do you like him?" I was about to answer when Micky and Ryder walked out of the back hall from the kitchen looking smug.

"We need you two to settle a bet for us." Ryder announces as they sit next to us in the booth.

Micky I noticed was trying to sit as close to me as he could, and I just slid into the booth until my shoulder hit the wall.

"Your interrupting our conversation." Sarah whines.

"We'll be out of your hair soon." Ryder assures leaning back.

"What's up?" I question since they did have a bet and I was curious as always.

"Who would win in a fight. You-" he pointed at me. "Or you?" He pointed at Sarah.

We looked at each other both of us not knowing what to say.

"I think that Sarah will win since I've seen her fight, and you don't look like the fighting kind." Micky explains.

Insult rolled over me since he didn't know shit. I mean sure, I'm not as tall as others, but I'm strongly built and extreamly light on my feet. To the point that I scare people when I walk in without saying anything.

Neco's One - Hades Hellions MC, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now