8(Neco's POV)

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"Alright, what's the deal with you and her?" Skip starts grilling me once DJ shuts the door behind her.

I had to admit that I didn't like the fact she wasn't in here, but I could watch her walk away all the time. She had curves in the right places and a nice ass. Where ever she got those painted on jeans did justice for selling them to her.

"Nothing." I say since I knew he'd flip if he knew my intentions.

Leaning on into his hands that were planted on the desk he stared me down. I stayed unfazed since he didn't scare me. No one really scared me anymore.

"Bullshit. You were holding her hand like she was a piece of gold you didn't want to lose. So I'm going to ask you again, what are your intentions with my daughter?"

Skip was good. I had to give him that since no one could ever read me. My face was always masked so hats off to him for cracking it.

"You just wanna fuck her? Cause I'll kill you myself." He continues to threaten me to the point where I don't have any room to answer him.

"Skip." I finally stop his rant making him look me in the eye again.

"I don't want to fuck you daughter. She's too good for a one and done deal." I admit I wouldn't mind fucking her, but I didn't just want between her legs.

That brain of hers intrieggued me. She had a different look on the world from what I could tell. Besides she didn't ask for pity when she was explaining her mother situation. Most chicks would have reveled in the chance to make people see them as the victim. Not her.

"But you want something." Skip wasn't going to let this go, and it was good that we were having this conversation now.

I am a take action kinda guy when it comes to what I want. And I want DJ. I normally wouldn't look at a chick for anything other than a good lay, so this was uncharted territory for me right now.

"I want her as mine." I state flatly and Skip's face drops for a second before a glare sets in place.

He was probably confused with the straightforwardness. Beating around the bush was never something I was good at. If you can't say it straight then don't waist my time.

"You don't know her." Skip finally says and I can see the protectiveness over her that he ready had.

"But I want to."

"Why her? You don't like fucking anyone, why my daughter?"

He didn't look mad, more confused. Skip was also right. I sneered at anyone who got close enough to touch me, but I let her touch me. Last night when she pulled me off that fucker a shock went up my neck making me feel warm. I never felt anything like it, but I knew I needed more.

"It's just her. Something about her has me stuck."

We have another staring contest before Skip gives in and let's out a long sigh.

"From what I can tell you're going to have your work cut out for you. You can get her if she likes you back. She says no you stop or I'm putting lead in that thick skull of yours."

A smile creeps onto my face making Skip mirror me. Then we hear a loud bang. It wasn't a gun shot, but it was loud enough to be heard through the thick walls.

"The hell was that?" Skip mutters walking quickly towards the door.

I follow as we get out to the main club area. And that's when we saw it.

"The hell are you doing?" Skip asks looking at DJ who was currently pinning a customer to the table face down.

She looked hot as hell when she was pissed.

"Why don't you tell my dad what you did." DJ grits out to the older man in his early fifties.

When he doesn't say anything but whimper DJ moves his wrist making a sickening pop come over the now silent club. The music was off and everyone was watching. The guy cries out.

"Alright, okay. I tried to slip a pill into one of the dancer's drink that I bought her." The man admits.

"Ricky!" Skip growls and the bouncer walks over looking between DJ and the sleeze bag she still had slammed down.

"Get this fucks info then kick him out. He's not allowed on property again." Skip was clearly pissed off and I couldn't tell if it was because the bouncers didn't catch it or that DJ could have gotten hurt.

Of maybe I was projecting since I knew I didn't like her hands on him even if it was to hurt him. Her hands were to soft and delicate to be on the dirty fucker.

"DJ." I say quietly making her look at me.

She was glaring down at the back of the man's head and it was a look she shared with her father.

"Let him up so Ricky can do his job." I order softly.

DJ slowly let's the man up before coming to stand next to me. Before I can realise what I'm doing my fingers are lacing with her's. I wasn't supposed to be enjoying the contact she was giving me, but I couldn't stop myself. Then her fingers tighten into mine as she relaxed.

"What were you thinking?" Skip asks looking at her like she had lost her mind.

DJ stiffened stepping closer to me, her shoulder going into my side. She's so small.

"I wasn't." DJ admits.

"What?" Skip snaps. "He could have hurt you."

When DJ says nothing and just stands there looking unsure of what she is doing, Skip sighs.

"Just don't do it again. I don't need you getting hurt."

She nods, but I can see that she had no idea she was even in danger of getting injured. Honestly she looks completely confused.

"Okay." Is all she mutters.

"Neco take her back to the compound. Keep her out of trouble."

Nodding I pull her behind me out to the parking lot.

"Why'd he get mad? I was just keeping that girl from getting drugged." Her fingers were holding tighter on to mine as she gets angry.

"He just cares about you."

"I've gathered that." She mutters as I open the door for her to get into the pickup.

"Thanks." She whispers smiling at me.

Being that I'm six five I still have to look down at her even if she is sitting in the truck seat. DJ was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen in my eighteen years. And this is coming from a guy who has seen the worst sides of the people who were supposed to take care of me. It takes pain to recognise pain, and I have a feeling that DJ has dealt with the same type of pain I have.

Neco's One - Hades Hellions MC, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now