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"Did you get the answers from Pre Cal?" Sarah asks as we walk towards the front doors.

"I have them, but I doubt they are right. Calculus can kiss my ass."

I sucked at math, but I managed to do just well enough that my grades aren't shit, so go me.

"Fucking mood." Sarah agrees as we head for the stands.

Today we road here with the guys since Sarah's car is in the shop. Something with the battery, and they haven't had time to pick up a new one.

"Did you see that Freshman today?"

I shake my head as I pull a book from my bag absentmindly listening to the gossip coming from Sarah right now.

"No, what freshman?"

I never made it a point to seek out freshman. The only time I look at one is when they are in my way and I'm walking. Don't get me wrong, in no way am I a bitch to them. They haven't done anything to me besides be small and annoying, a chihuahua if you will.

"Some kid was running down the hall with their arms out behind them. I swear kids are getting weirder."

Shaking my head I ignore the mental picture. Band kids, I swear. Not that band kids are weird, but they are just a different breed of human.

"Why?" Is all I ask before someone else takes a seat next to Sarah.

Sarah's head swings as she looks at the girl who showed me around on my first day. Manny or Martha, still don't remember.

"Can we help you?" Sarah asks staring the chick down.

"I'm waiting for someone." She informs us making Sarah give me the 'are you serious' look.

"Cool, does it have to be right here? We're in the middle of something."

I could see how Sarah could come off as a cold hearted bitch, hell that was my vibe 90 percent of the time. But she's trustworthy. She wears her pride for the club out front, and is like me. A person who doesn't trust right off the bat.

"No." Margie answers staring straight ahead with her nose up in the air.

Almost like we were scum, even though she was the one who sat next to us.

"Who are you?"


Right, Mindy. I knew it started with an M.

"Why do you have to sit right here? Mindy."

Shaking my head I turn my attention to the field. I wasn't going to talk to Mindy. I feel like going back to the minimal speaking again. Neco was over by the bench holding a bunch of water.

His eyes drift up and lock with mine. I wave slightly making him smirk before winking at me and jogging back onto the field.

"Oh my god, he winked at me." I hear Mindy whisper.

For the life of me I wanted to be that bitch who would tell her off, but she hasn't really done anything to me.

"The hell he did." Sarah snaps.

But I wasn't going to stop Sarah from being that bitch. I found out that she's more out going in her home town than she is in Vegas. I understand why since Vegas is intemidating as hell.

"He did." She snaps back.


Sarah was annoyed and so was I,but neither of us are going to get her to move.

Neco's One - Hades Hellions MC, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now