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"I knew there was a reason I fucking hated your mother." Skip growls as he gets into the car followed by Nix and Jax.

"She has that effect on people." I say as Neco pulls my hand into his lap, keeping our fingers connected as he does.

"You guys ready to get the fuck out of here?" Jax asks and I go to say yes when my phone rings.

Lovely. Checking who it is... And the winner is! Donny. Of course.

"What now?" I sigh leaning back as Jax pulls away from the curb.

"I have a favor to ask."


Why did it have to be me? There were tons of other people in this city who had the same skill set that I did. And Donny knew most of them.

"Could you possibly call Jackie and ask if she'd be willing to come down and race tonight? There is an opening and I don't know who else to ask." Donny sounded desperate and it made me cave.

"Why can't you ask her?"

"We aren't on speaking terms as of now."

Of course he wasn't. Donny and Jackie had this love hate thing going on, I just stayed out of it since the sexual tension between those two could choak a goat.

"Fine. What's the spot?"

"She'd race fourth."

"Okay. I'll call you back."

Hanging up I start scrolling through my numbers.

"Everything alright? You going to get in another fight?" Jax asks amusement dancing in his voice.

"Yeah things are cool, and no I'm not getting in another fight. I just need to set up a race spot for Donny."

I wasn't going to keep secrets about this since they already knew about the job stuff.

Finding Jackie's number I press call and wait as we drive back to the hotel.

"Hey, you got something for me?" Jackie answers.

I only ever spoke to her for races and fights. She was a better racer than fighter so this was most of our conversations.

"You looking to cash in?" I retort feeling Nix look at me before shaking his head.

He had no idea how much stuff I ran, and how common these calls were for me.

"I could use a few extra bucks."

"Good, there's a spot open for fourth, race is at nine at the normal spot. Donny's running it so just check in with him or Howie, they should both be there."

"Donny is running it? Where you going?" She asks.

"I'm out." Is all I say before hanging up.

Quickly I text Donny that she's in.

"You know kid, you'd make a pretty good president. You want to take over my job?" Jax asks and I laugh.

"Nah, I want out of the leadership role."

"If you say so." He sing songs making me roll my eyes again and lean my arm against Neco.

His hand squeezed mine as he looks out at the passing buildings. He was stoic and brooding as normal.

"So I have a question." Nix says making everyone look at him except for Jax since he was driving.

"Can anyone make chocolate chip pancakes? Cause I have a craving like no other."

Neco's One - Hades Hellions MC, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now