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The rest of the morning was spent in silence as I shoved all my shit back into my bag. My mother was embarrassing and I was hoping to get through the day without having to see her. Looks like that isn't happening.

"How much stuff do you have at your mom's?" Skip asks and I shrug.

"Not much. Some clothes and other things, shouldn't take up much space."

"Alright we'll take one car. Ryder you stay here with the other guys, we'll call if we need you." Jax against was putting out orders. "Neco, Nix, DJ let's go."

Following them down to the car I was once again stuck between Nix and Neco, but I didn't care. I was more worried about who my mother was going to have at the house.

"What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" Neco asks leaning down to whisper in my ear.

I look over at him and shrug.

"Just nervous." I say.

No one could hear us over the heavy metal music Jax was blaring and Nix was too busy on his phone to even look at us. Did he call me pretty?

"Don't be. I'm here." He laces out fingers and instantly I feel better, but the feeling doesn't go away completely.

The GPS says we have arrived at our destination. Looking out I see the familure two story house with falling off window shutters and a rusty metal fence marking off our yard. Looks like mom didn't water the grass so it was dead already in the nevada heat.

We lived in what was known as the crime sector. It was the worst part of the city, but it was home.

"Home sweet home." I mutter as we get out.

Marcy's shitty car was parked out from along with another one. One I didn't recognise.

"Marcy!" I yell and it makes everyone jump.

My eyes were on the front door. No way was I going to walk in there when I didn't know who all was here. That would case a trape that I wasn't ready for.

"What are you doing kid?" Skip asks.

"I don't know who's car that is." I gesture to the car behind Marcy's.

It was a few years older than hers, but in better shape.

"Marcy! Get out here!" I yell again.

The door opens and Marcy steps out followed by a cracked out looking man with dirty dreaded brown hair.

"You called." She droans out smirking at me.

"I'm here to get my stuff." I say and she just rolls her eyes ignoring me and looking at the guy next to her.

"Victor this is my spawn Diana. Diana this is your new dad Victor."

I glance at her hand she's been flashing around and scoff.

"You married this one? What happens when he runs out of supply?"

Skip stiffens next to me as everyone starts looking awkward again. Victor eyes me up and down and smiles, his eyes stopping at my breasts. I was blessed in that area even though I tried not to flaunt it, but every shirt on me was too tight in the chest.

"Wow, you're a better looker than your mother." He says and I see both Skip and Neco tense.

"The fuck you just say?" Skip asks stepping forward, his hand at the small of his back.

Sure enough there was a gun there.

"I said she's hot." Victor says again not reading anything.

Neco's One - Hades Hellions MC, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now