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"DJ! Hurry up!" Skip yells pounding on my door.

Honestly I wasn't ready to go back, but I needed the rest of my shit. And I had a cash stash in my room I was hoping was still there. Mom tended to go postal when I left.

"Give me a sec." I call back as I sit on the floor of my room.

I liked that sound. My room. It was my space and only my space. No one was trying to come in here and mess with me every night.

"DJ!" Dad yells again.

"What's going on?" I hear Neco ask.

Ah there he was. Prince charming.

"She won't come out." They were in no way keeping that conversation private from dad talking so loud and repeating everything Neco says.

"Let me talk to her." I hear before dad huffs and walks away.

Then there is light tapping on the closed door.

"Hey, everything alright in there?" Neco asks.

"Peachy." I call back.

But for some reason I just couldn't get up.

"Can I come in?"

Biting me lip I let out a sigh.

"Yeah." I give him the go and the door swing open.

There he stood in all his masculent beauty. It was so unfair how good looking he is. His hair was still wet from a shower and the shirt he had in was tight fitting snuggly to his body. The guy knew had to wear a pair of jeans too.

"Why are you on the floor?"

He sits next to me making our arms touch. Without really thinking I lean my head into his arm, and he doesn't move away.

"I don't want to go back." I whisper.

I didn't want to, but I knew I had to. Besides I needed to see Donny again and clear some shit up with him. Over the last week he has called me every day to make sure he was doing everything right. I was going to have to help him get on the right page with Chief, the guy who ran most of the fights.

"It's just for the weekend." He reminds me.

"Yeah." I whisper as he stands up holding his hand out to me.

Grabbing it he pulls me up next to him.

"Let's go."

I follow him out of my room and down the hall to where Skip is pacing.

"Finally. Let's go!" He was already walking out.

Slipping my hands into my jacket pockets I make sure I have my phone, my bag and my wallet.

"Alright. Everyone in the cars." Jax orders.

Neco opens the back door to a new model ford car and I get in being squished between him and Nix.

Ryder was up from and Skip was driving. The other car was more older members and Sarah was coming too since she wanted to.

"Well aren't we nice and cozy." Nix mutters trying to stretch out.

"Well get comfy, we're stopping once and that's for gas half way." Skip says as we pull onto the highway.


"Get off me." I grunt trying to push Nix's head off my lap.

"No." He says back.

"Get off." I say again flicking his head.

"Will you to shut up. We're almost there." Skip growls.

It was already dark out and I knew we would have to do everything in the morning. But I was going to meet up with Donny tonight. A last hurrah.

"Fine." I growl back slouching.

I glance at Neco who has been sleeping for the last four hours. I was completely jealous since Nix has made it difficult for me to go to sleep. The asshat.

The lights catch my eye before a new feeling runs through me. I was back and completely I'll prepared. Las Vegas Nevada here I am.

Skip pulls into a hotel, rather expensive one with a casino in it. Not that it was difficult to find a casino in Vegas. But that wasn't what had me on edge. It was the people who owned it.

"Come on, I would say that everyone gets their own room but I would be lying." Jax orders as we all get out of the car.

We are then walking into the hotel and I can't help but tap my fingers on my jeans.

"Why this hotel?" I ask Jax making him glance at me.

Then his eye narrow in confusion at the jittery mess I was in.

"The people we are doing business with own it."


Nodding my head I smile tightly at him. "Right."

We checked in then went to the top floor. The pent house sweet. I suppose this was how business associates were treated in the Knight corporation.

"You okay?" Neco asks looking down at me.

He was the picture of relaxed. He had no idea the shit that could come down on us. It was expecially bad for me if Xavier found out I was here.

"Yeah." I lie as we get onto the elevator.

Pulling my hood over my head I face away from the camera. When the elevator dings we get off in the pent house. There were no cameras up here for a few reasons. One being for business deals.

"Wow. This place is bitchin." Sarah says as everyone fawns over everything around us.

Getting out of the way of eyes I pull my phone out. Shooting Donny a text I tell him to meet me at the ring. It was eight right now so I have two hours before I need to meet him down at the ring. Two hours to plan my escape.

"Oh my god! They have snacks!" Ryder yells making me shake my head as I plop down on one of the over expensive couches.

"Alright. Nix and Ryder stay with Sarah and DJ. Everyone come with me." Jax was giving out orders again.

Only it sorta made my escape more difficult. I can disappear in crowds.

"Don't leave." Skip orders looking straight at me.

Neco winks at me before following my father out. How fun.

"Let's crank this bitch up." Sarah yells staring the popcorn machine down.

I wasn't going to tell them that everything they were touching would probably be charged to them. It was Vegas, nothing was free. Shrugging to myself my phone starts ringing. It was Donny. He must have got my text.

"Yeah?" I answer.

"Where you staying?"


"I need you to go over a lot of stuff with me and ten minutes before the fight starts ain't going to work for me." He sounded like he was going to piss himself.

Looking around me at my cousin and new found friends I made a decision.

"The Knight." I say and the other side of the phone goes quiet.

"The fucking knight?!" Donny practically yells getting the attention of everyone in the quiet room. "Are you fucking insane? Xavier's daddy owns that fucking hotel and you're just staying there?!"

"Lower you voice, and yeah. Pent house. Either meet me or do whatever you fucking want." I growl back hanging up.

"Who was that?" Nix asks walking over, everyone else following to make a half circle in front of me. "No one can leave." Nix adds when I don't say anything.

"I have a friend coming over." I say slowly.

"What? Who?" Ryder was now questioning me with crossed arms.

"It's a long story."

Neco's One - Hades Hellions MC, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now