26 epilogue

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"DJ!" Sarah calls me as I jog go get in line next to her.

We're graduating today, thank God. I was surprised I had enough credits after that whole ordeal.

"I'm here. I'm here." I say almost out of breath.

She smirks at me. "You burn yourself with the curling iron this morning?"

"Huh?" I didn't curl my hair this morning. "Oh, umm yeah." I stutter out blushing.

Damnit Neco, I told him not to leave a mark. I look over at him as I hold my hand over my neck. He is looking back with a smirk on his lips that were swollen slightly. I can't help but laugh slightly.

After the speech is given by the principle it's time to walk across the stage. One by one we are called.

Basically all the club came, and were freaking the other people out. It was hilarious to see the moms check out the guys while the grandmas and Karen's thought they were going to get mugged in a school gym.

"Diana Nelson." My name is called.

As I get up, the group of bikers yell again making my face heat up as I walk up the stairs to get my diploma.
Hurrying off the stage I go back to my chair next to Sarah.

A few minutes later Ryder is called.

"Ryder Mason."

He runs up the stairs grabbing his diploma out of our principles before bro hugging a rather uncomfortable man.

"Bye bitches!" He screams running the rest of the way off the stage and back to his seat.

Sarah and I are half way on the floor as they keep calling kids.

"What the hell was that?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"I've grown up with that dipshit and I still never know what he's about to do." Sarah hisses.


We went back to the club house that afternoon we had our graduation bash as Nix called it.

"Hey baby!" Nix yell getting off his bike.

Sarah turns around smiling at my cousin. Yeah, they are a thing now, not complicated as Sarah had once said.

"Hey!" She yells back sprinting at him.

He manages to catch her just in time as she wraps her legs around his middle. You would think they hadn't seen each other in two years rather than two hours give or take.

I glance around not seeing Neco, who had gone on that run with Nix and Ryder. Shrugging it off I jog into the clubhouse finding my dad sitting at the bar speaking quietly to Jax.

"Hey dad!" I greet hugging him.

"Hey honey." He says back smiling at me. "You having a good day?"

I nod. He asks me that daily, even thought it's been four give it take months since the accident.

"I need to get this." Jax says getting up as his phone starts to ring.

"So you figure out your plans yet?" He asks and I shrug.

I hadn't planned on making it this far, so I had no idea what I was going to do with the rest of my life.

"Nope. Might go to college, I filled out some scholarship applications and got some of them, but I don't know if I'm going to go or not."

"You can always take a year off and revisit the idea."

That was true. I could do that.

"You fucking sure?!" I hear Jax growl making both of us glance over at him.

He looked like he got the wing knocked out of him as he leaned against the bar. "Yeah, no I'm on my way. She okay?"

Whatever the person on the other end said made him wince. "Alright. Thanks for letting me know."

He hangs up. "What's going on brother?" Dad asks as I take a seat on one of the stools.

"They found her."

What did that mean?

"You sure?" Dad asks.

Jax nods rubbing the back of his head. "They found Mara."

Who the hell was Mara?

"DJ, why don't you go fund Neco, he should be back by now."

As if on que the sound of a bike rolling up roars. Nodding slowly I head out seeing Neco getting off his bike. Like normal he has dark jeans, a Harley Davidson t-shirt on, and today he has a baseball cap on backwards. As sexy as ever.

"Hey Prince Charming." I greet skipping up to him and grabbing the cap off his head, putting it onto mine.

"Hey Darlin." He drawls back in his deep voice. "You burn yourself with a curling iron?" He asks his lips twitching as he looks down at the hickey on my neck.

I playfully slap his chest. "Yeah, and it's name is Neco. Damn thing gets real hot."

He barks out a laugh pulling me into him by the belt loops on my black slacks.

"I love you Diana Jo." He proclaims and I feel my heart skip another beat.

Going onto my toes I kiss him hard. "I love you too Neco Ross."

He freezes slightly narrowing his eyes in me playfully. "Who told you my middle name?"

I grin. "I have my connections."

"Fucking Sarah." He growls.

Neco's One - Hades Hellions MC, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now