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Skip wasn't in to me going to talk to the fucktard who was shooting at us. But I didn't care. I wanted to see the man Xavier decided to send after me.

"Alright. Don't freak out on me, and don't break down." Skip was going through a list of stuff not to do as we walked out towards the back shed.

I didn't bother stopping his rant to tell him I had interigated someone before.  Neco glances at me as he pulled the key from around his neck out and unlocked the door.

"You sure?" He asks and I nod.

The door swings open and a pale looking man sits in front of me. His hands were tied behind him as his head hung forward. White gauze was placed on his shoulder stopping the bleeding from the gunshot wound. A wound I put there.

No one says anything as we wait for Jax to arrive. He made it clear that he wanted to control the questioning. He stormed through the door making it slam behind him.

"Wake the fuck up!" Jax yells, his voice echoing in the small space.

The man's head snaps up and I let out an audible gasp. No fucking way.

"Elry?" I ask and his sunk in eyes move to me as sweat shimmers on his forehead.

Elry smirks at me as recognition rang free on his face. "Well isn't it the woman of the hour. I've been waiting for you, am I going to get the DJ special?" 

"You know him DJ?" Skip asks making me look from Xavier's best friend to my father.

I didn't answer my dad. Instead I looked back at Elry narrowing my eyes.

"So, DJ special?" Elry repeats.

I can't help it and a laugh bubbles up. It was funny. He thought he deserved to be injured at my hands.

"Xavier too much of a pussy to come deal with me himself?" I ask trying to step forward towards him, but I'm tugged back.

Neco grabs the inside of my jeans pockets and pulls my back flush against his chest, before his arms wrap around my waist.

"Nah honey, he ain't fraid of you. He just figured it would be easier for us to take care of you. Less stress for him."

Elry never liked me and I never like him. He's a pompus dick and I was surprised I didn't see Xavier for that before.

"I want everything you know on us. I want to know how much that dipshit knows." Jax growls drawing the attention back to him.

"I ain't saying shit. But that doesn't mean DJ's mom hasn't told us everything we need to know about her." Elry grunts smiling.

I wanted to hit him. Before I really had time to decide what to do I jerked forward out of Neco's arms and slammed Elry back on the ground. His head bounces off the floor with a sickening crack.

"DJ special." He manages to get out before my fist seeks out his face.

There was yelling before someone was dragging me out of the room. I kicked at the person trying to get them to let me go.

"Stay." Skip growls plopping me down next to the door before walking back inside.


Three hours later without a sound from the shed the door swings open. Jax strolls out his split knuckles. Skip has some blood on his hands and shirt, and then there was Neco. He had a dark look in his eyes as he walked out of the shed.

Blood had dried in some spots on his arms, and some splattered onto his handsome features. He didn't look at me as he kept his head down and walked towards the back door of the club house.

"He know anything?" I ask.

"More than we needed to know." Jax says quietly.

"Come on." Skip says holding his hand out to me.

Ignoring the blood I grip his hand and let him pull me to my feet.

"We need to get a drink." I let him pull me under his arm as I glance back at the shed.

"Is he alive?"

"Yeah. Sorta. We're having a prospect take him back to Vegas and leave him on their door step with a message." Jax didn't give away any other information.

I didn't ask since I felt ashamed of how I handled myself back there. I shouldn't have hit him. But he brought up my mom.

Jax and Skip sat down at the bar, but Neco was no where to be seen. Something didn't feel right. He was acting funny when he walked out of the shed.

"You want one kid?" Jax asks as he grabs beers.

"I'm good. I'm going to go find Neco."

I was about to walk away, but Skip stops me.

"Hold up. Come here."

I turn look at him curioisly.


He motions me forward and I walk close and then I'm being trapped into a bear hug. I squeeze him close to me as I put my head into the crook of his neck.

"Love ya kid." He whispers.

He loves me? I figured my dad liked me, but I didn't think he would love me. My mom doesn't even love me. Holding back my emotions I smile slightly.

"Love you too dad." I said it quietly, so quietly that I wasn't sure if he heard me.

But when he sniffed I knew he did.

"Dad?" He questions. "You called me dad." He whispers. "Now go find that man of yours. He's not doing so well."

I nod. "Okay."

Dad lets me go as I head for Neco's room. I had no idea where he was. Or of I would find him. I never heard any bikes start up so I know he's still here.

Knocking on his door I wait a good minute before pushing the door open and looking around the dark room. He wasn't here. I head for the gym. It was the only other place I knew to look for him besides the cliffs.

"Neco?" I call as I walk through the door.

Sure enough angel wings meet my eyes as Neco pumels the bag in front of him.

"Hey prince charming." I call when he doesn't answer and his pattern slows down before he turns to face me.

"You alright?" I ask and he doesn't look at me.

So I walk to where I'm standing right in front of him. His eyes stay on the wall above my head.

"Hey. Tell me what's up."

Putting my hands on his face I pull his head down to look at me.

"You aren't afraid?"

There was pain in his brown eyes. Pain I'd never seen there, put I knew I never wanted to see it again.

"Why would I be? You're like a big teddy bear."

He lets out a chuckle as I go up onto my tiptoes and press my lips to his. His arms wrap around me and a sense of security runs through me. This was my newest favorite place to be.

Neco's One - Hades Hellions MC, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now