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Next morning.

"Yo kiddies!" Jax yells walking into the garage.

I was sitting on the work bench as Neco and Nix worked on their bikes. Nix made me follow him around because Skip told him to make sure I didn't wander off. Not that I had anywhere to go yet. I was still working on my B plan if shit fell through here too.

"Hey." Nix grunts.

"Neco, a word." Jax orders his attitude changing.

Neco sets his wrench down and follows Jax just outside the garage.

"What's up with that?" I ask making my cousin look at me.

"Club shit, doesn't concern you." Is all he says smiling slightly at me.

Nodding I just swing my legs as my phone rings. Pulling it out I sigh deciding to squash this little call quickly.

"Xavier." I answer pulling my leg up and resting my chin on my knee.

"Hey baby." He coos making my stomach turn.

I hated that. There was a time when I loved when he did that, now it was gross.

"Don't call me that. What do you want?" I was distant and cold, but I didn't care.

It was how I got people to stop being around me. Icing them out was always the route I took when I hated someone. Or they hurt me enough to deserve it.

"Where are you? I haven't seen you around the streets and I was hoping to get a session."

Biting my tongue I try not to laugh. The session he was talking about wasn't sex. It was just kissing since I didn't want to have sex with him. That was probably why he broke up, that and the other thing.

"You won't be seeing me anymore, and I'm not your girl. So fuck off."

"Come on, don't be that way." Xavier was really trying and I couldn't get myself to feel bad.

"Leave me alone." I hang up letting out a large sigh.

"You got a boy back home?" Nix asks looking at me.

"Nah. Just someone asshole that can't take a hint."

Nix nods like he understands, but I doubted he did. Clicking my phone off I set it next to me while staring at the ceiling.

"DJ." Neco says walking back in getting my attention.

"Hmm?" I hum back.

"You gotta come with me." Neco orders making me raise my eyebrows at him.


"I'm supposed to take you to Skip."

Nodding I slide off the bench walking over to where he was waiting.

"See you around Nix."

Nix nods to me, and Neco and him share a look before Neco grabs my hand and pulls me towards the other garage used for the cages. He opened the door for me on the same pickup we took last night before he closed it and got in.

"Where are we going?" I ask curious since I wasn't one for surprises.

"Higgins. It's a, ah, strip joint." I nod not being bothered in the slightest.

Neco turned up a green day song as we drove down the road and into town. Higgins was a rather large club since the building on the outside was bigger.

"Come on." Neco says grabbing my hand again, which had seemed to be the new normal since last night.

Almost like he was making sure I wasn't going anywhere.

"Hey kid." Skip says walking out of a back room when he spotted us.

"Hey." I greet back as Neco stays quiet.

His eyes were on my father when they could have been on all the half naked women around us. They had the day shift and I was wondering why there was so many people in here. It was still early.

"Sorry about meeting here, but I got a call from your mother."

Wow, I guess she figured it out. Surprising. Normally it takes her double time since she is wired most of the time.

"Oh? She say anything intelligent?"

Skip shook his head running a hand through his hair.

"She wants you back with her." He says.

"And?" There had to be a but in there right? I mean I wasn't going to move back in with her.

"Let's talk alone." Skip starts walking back towards the room he came out of when he realized there were prying eyes.

When I didn't move Neco squeezed my hand and pulled me to follow after my dad. I was glad he stayed since I didn't want to have this conversation alone with my father. It would help me rein in some of my anger if I had an audience.

"Your mom said that she was still your guardian so you were to go back or she was calling the cops." Skip explains once the door is shut.

I let a snicker pass my lips at that statement.

"The only reason Marcy wants me back is to pay her bills, which I've been doing since I was old enough to get a job with some lying. She's just pissed that her piggy bank is gone." I probably shared too much, but I didn't give a shit anymore.

I have come to terms with the fact that my mom was a back stabbing, money grubbing whore. I say it with the bit love I still held for her.

Skip looked pissed.

"You've been paying her fuckin bills?" He asks leaning on his desk.

"I've been working to keep a roof over my head. She's just been taking advantage, but anyways she won't call the cops. If she does she'll get CPS called on her again. I doubt she wants that."

Skip nodded. He seemed surprised at how much I knew about the way my mom worked. I guess he thought I wouldn't know the games she played. She stopped playing games with me when she started losing all of them. Marcy started it but I always finished it.

"Alright, well tomorrow you're starting school at the local highschool. I want you to stick with Neco, Nix, and Ryder since there are some rather odd people in that school."

By odd I'm guessing he meant criminally insane. Which was fine by me since I thought they were always the more fun people to hang with. Or maybe I was the insane one. World will never know.

"Alright." I agree.

"Great. So next weekend good for you to get your stuff?" Is his next question.

"Yeah. That's fine by me. I don't have much there."

I was the kind of kid who didn't have a lot of personal belongings since I didn't need anyone going through them. When mom decided she was going to have her little parties with random guys at home I made sure my door was locked.

She didn't have a great judge of character anymore. The first few boyfriend's she brought around were chill and friendly, but lately they've been complete dicks.

"Alright. We'll leave on Friday and probably come back Sunday since we have some club stuff to deal with too." I nod again.

I didn't want to piss Skip off since he seemed stable. I liked stable since I've been put through a never ending rollercoaster of crazy. After almost eighteen years it gets tireding.

"Okay." I agree again.

"Right, well can you wait out side while I get a word in with Neco? It'll just take a sec."

I looked from Neco to Skip and back again before nodding and excusing myself.

Neco's One - Hades Hellions MC, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now