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My father led me down a back hallway that was set up like an apartment hall. Doors were spaced on either side and at one point we went through a kitchen and kept going. This place was huge to say the least.

"Here we are." He says opening one of the doors.

It had a number on it. 42.

"You sure you want me to be here? I mean I'm going to like invade your life and shit."

Skip just smiles at me and shrugs.

"Sweetheart I'm cool with change and to be honestly it was getting boring as hell around here. So if you decide you don't want to be emancipated then you can stick around. You're a tough kid and I respect whatever decision you come to."

I nod at his words before I did something surprised even myself. I hugged him. I didn't even like to be touched so I wasn't sure where the hell this was coming from.

I was about to let go feeling foolish when he relaxed and hugged me back. It was a hug a father and daughter would share and it made me wonder what all I had missed growing up without him.

"Thank you." I whisper as I feel his chin rest on the top of my head.

"No need to thank me kid. I just want to make sure you're okay. I don't know you, but you're still a part of me I didn't know I had. A surprise if you will, and I take care of things that are apart of me."

I almost cried. But I didn't let myself. I wasn't even sure if I knew how to cry anymore, but the tears threatening to well over reminded me that it was like riding a bike. You never forget.

"I'll see you in the morning then?" I ask and he hums in response as I let go of the death grip I had on him.

"Rain or shine." He says winking at me as I walk into the room.

He closed the door behind me before I heard his retreating footsteps walking away and down the hall.

Setting my bag down I looking around the rather large room. I spotted two doors other than the one I came in through. Wandering over to the one closest to me I found it to be a bathroom. So what was behind door number two?

It was a walk in closet. The place was nice and clean, I had to admit that. The bed was full-sized and there was a dresser along with a desk against the wall. But what caught my eye was the TV. Mom said I couldn't get a TV since it corrupted the mind, whatever that meant.

She was batty anyways. I guess she didn't get that drugs corrupted the mind as well. The more I thought about going back to Vegas the more my gut told me I shouldn't.

There was something about here that felt right. Maybe it was because my mother wasn't here or maybe it was because Skip, who I only just met, was more of a parent to me in the last half hour than my mom had been in the last seventeen years. That was a bad thing to say, but it was true. Mom didn't give a shit about me.

Now I shouldn't probably say that, but if she cared she would have noticed me being gone by now. I had been out of state for over twenty four hours now and I didn't even get a call or text. Nothing asking if I was okay or alive. That's because I hadn't seen mom in two weeks since she left with her newest sack of meat named Jeff.

She wouldn't be back until either Jeff ran out of money and drugs or she gets tired of him. Either way I knew she would always be back.

When I was little I used to wait up wondering where she was and hoping that she wasn't ODed somewhere with no one to help. The I slowly stopped caring since it became clear that she didn't care if I was alive. Or I wanted to stop caring. There was still a part of me deep down that wanted to see if she even loved me.

As I grabbed stuff to take a shower I continued to think it over. Mom once told me that it was going to be hard for someone to love me since I was hard headed and free willed. Only she didn't realise that she was the reason I had so many walls up. Well her and my ex boyfriend. Those two really know how to twist someone until the snap.

That was just another reason not to go back to Vegas. It wasn't like I had anyone there that I really liked. I had someone kids I ran with, but that was just so I wasn't alone all the time. Streets were rough and if you didn't have a pack then you got lost in the rustle of it.

And I sure as hell didn't want to keep running into Xavier. He had been trying to pin me down again since I broke up with him after he hit me. That was the toughest thing I had ever done since he had me convinced that I loved him. Maybe I did at first, but I can't be positive of what I felt for him towards the end.

Stepping into the hot water I let it warm the chills I was feeling from walking in the rain for so long. I was going to have to sleep on it and see how I felt about the whole situation I had gotten myself into this time. Skip seemed leveled headed, but I knew from experience that anyone can flip a switch and be a whole nother person. I'd seen it and I'd done it.

So after I got out of the shower that relaxed all my muscled I got dressed in a grey sweatshirt that hung to mid thigh and a pair of black shorts before crawling into the grey sheets.

I laid there staring at the ceiling. Almost asleep I go to roll over when my phone dings for the first time in two days. Crawling out of bed I stumble over to the bag and fish around in it until I find my phone.

It was nothing special and had a cracked screen, but it was what I could afford. I paid for it so I may have applied for the unlimited plan since why not.

Going back to the bed I checked the time seeing it was almost one am. Bitting my lip I check who it's from and cringe. Xavier.

Xavier: You should come over.

I don't respond and two minutes later he sends another text.

Xavier: Come on baby, you mad?

The instinct to completely rant him out was strong but I refused to give him what he wants. So I stayed quiet. And watched as he continued to text me, the words he sends getting worse and worse until around two am when they stop.

Clicking my phone off I set it on the nightstand and roll over finally drifting into a light sleep.

Neco's One - Hades Hellions MC, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now