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I sit on my bed staring at the wall in front of me. I should get up and take a shower, but I can't stop thinking about the familure weight the gun placed on my hand. The way it felt when it jerked and pulled against my arm as I squeezed the trigger.

"Heyo!" Nix yells barging in making me jump and stare at him.


He swan dives into my bed bumping into me as he does.

"Didn't catch you last night before you went to bed. What's happenin? Heard you are quite the shot."

"I suppose."

I didn't want to talk about my shooting capabilities and the fact that I know every mark hit dead center of the people's skulls. All but one that is. I know I hit him in the shoulder.

"Hit the middle of their heads moving down the road." He adds and I wasn't going to humor him.

"I rather not speak about it Nix. I'm not proud of killing those men."

"It's nothing to ashamed of. I've shot a few people." He admits and my head snaps to him.

"Nix." I hiss and he smiles at me.

"It's the game honey baby, and I'm just a player." He winks making me shake my head.

"Anyways I thought that I'd tell you myself that you're on lock down."

"What?" I all but shout as my eyes grow wide.

Lockdown? The fuck? Why would I need to be on lockdown? Shoving to my feet I'm already headed for the bar. I heard the laughing and since it's almost noon I knew people were filtering in and out.

"You're putting me on fucking lockdown?!" I shout as all eyes move to me.

Skip drops the deck of cards in his hands as he looks back up at me.

"Yes." He says simply as I set my jaw.

"No. That's stupid. I don't need to be locked up and followed around like some rabid unhinged dog."

"You aren't a dog." Skip was trying to shut me down and get me calm, but I wasn't having it.

He wasn't telling me something. Glaring at him it takes me a few minutes until he glances away.

"Why? Why do I need to be under guard?"

He glances away as he talks. "You were shot at, it's just a precaution."

The hell it was. Then my mind goes back to yesterday and I think real hard. That's when it hits me.

"You're locking me down because the bikes were from Vegas?"

His face drops. "What? No."

Lie. Lie. Lie. Nodding slowly I bite my lip trying to see what my move was. They were from Vegas. That means they were probably after me and the lockdown just exposed that.

Wrapping my fingers into a fist I straighten to my full height.

"I'll be in my room." Is all I say as I turn around, finding Nix standing there.

Shouldering by him I lock myself away. Protection was one thing, lock downs were different. Then my phone rings. God I hated that sound.

I hated phone calls because they've all been made by asshole people. Glancing down at the screen I glare. Xavier.

"What the fuck do you want?" I growl.

He lets out a hard and loud chuckle. "Did you get my little message?" He asks.

Neco's One - Hades Hellions MC, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now