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I pull my phone out of my sweatshirt pocket and let out a displeased sigh.

"What's that sigh for?" Sarah asks giving me the side eye as she is looking for another movie.

It was nearly six or so. We had taken a break from the movie marathon to get food from the kitchen, which we are in here.

"It's nothing." I mutter declining the call from my mother.

Looks like she is home. She wouldn't be calling the police since last time she reported me missing they called CPS on her ass. She wouldn't be making that mistake again.

"If you say so." Sarah says not sounding like she believed what I was telling her.

My phone started ringing again and again I declined it. I wasn't in the right state to be speaking with my mother. For heaven's sake it took me almost a year to get the papers to quit being her child. She knew about it, so I didn't get why she was checking up on me.

"You're going to love this one too." Sarah squeals going back to the movies.

It was called Land of the Lost. It looked cool.

"Chaca!" I yell as Sarah and I burst into laughter leaning on each other as we do.

"Wow looks like we missed a party." Nix says walking in with Ryder, Neco and another dude I haven't met yet.

"I'm educating this child here." Sarah announces patting my head like I am five.

"By watching comedies?" The mystery guy asks as they all take seats on various couches.

"This bitch hasn't heard of Will Farrell before." Sarah announces and Ryder gives me a look like I just kicked his dog and laughed.

"You what?!" He asks loudly.

"I'm learning so cool your tits." I say making Nix and the unnamed guy chuckle.

Neco was looking at me like he was trying to see into my brain so I choose to ignore him. There wasn't enough room for myself in my head let alone another person.

"I like this chick." Nameless announces before he leans over holding his hand out to me.

"I'm Micky. And might I add you're cute as hell."

I shake his hand rolling my eyes.

"I'm DJ, Skip's my father." I say flatly before retracting my hand.

"Since when does Skip have a daughter who looks like you?" Micky asks continuing to flirt with me.

"Since I decided to take a little trip across the country."

Micky nods.

"I see. Well I'm glad you did." I laugh slightly turning back to the movie.

"DJ?!" My name is yelled making me freeze for a second before I realised I wasn't in trouble.

"In here!" Nix yells as Skip walks through with an easy smile on his face.

"Sup?" I ask as he sits down next to me.

"I need your phone for a sec." He says.


"I'm going to give you my number." He states like I'm being stupid.

"Okay." I respond clicking on my contacts then to a new one so that he couldn't snoop.

He types his number in before handing it back to me.

"I've got some shit to take care of. Neco, Jax wants you to keep your phone on you tonight. He calls you answer, got it?" Neco gives him a thumbs up as Skip stands.

Neco's One - Hades Hellions MC, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now