23: You Can Share You Know

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Jennifer was so worried when Kola left so hurriedly and now that he was finally back, she was contemplating going over to his place or not. She knows that whatever had happened must be very serious for it to have made Kola to leave so hurriedly.

She looked at her wall clock, it was just some few minutes past seven in the evening. She finally made up her mind and stood up to go over to Kola's place.

She waited patiently for Kola to open the door after she had knocked on it.

"Jennifer?" Kola called out immediately he opened the door in his usual tank top and sweatpants. Jennifer noticed his gloomy look, something she hardly saw in Kola.

"Hey Kola. I noticed that you left in a hurry after receiving that call earlier. Is everything okay?"

"It's nothing serious," Kola replied with a straight face but Jennifer had a feeling that he was hiding something.

"You can share you know," she pressed on.

"Really?" Kola arched his brow at her. "But you didn't care to share yours earlier."

"I'm sorry Kola. You don't deserve the way I treated you earlier. I'm really sorry, please forgive me," Jennifer apologized in a soft voice.

"It's okay. It's actually hard for me to get mad at you for too long," Kola smirked and Jennifer was internally happy that he was back to his normal self.

"Do you want to come in?" he asked.


Jennifer followed Kola inside and he offered her a seat and took his next to her, making her to feel a little bit uncomfortable at how close they both were.

"So um," Jennifer cleared her throat. "Why did you leave in a hurry?"

Kola picked up one of the throw pillows on the sofa and tucked lightly at it."Cynthia called and told me my dad fainted and was hospitalized."

Jennifer placed a palm over her mouth at hearing what Kola just said.
"Oh my goodness! Kola, I'm so sorry to hear that."

"It's okay, it was nothing serious. He is actually getting discharged tomorrow morning." Kola shrugged.

"I'm happy that it's nothing serious and he is okay now," Jennifer said and squeezed Kola's hand lightly, making him to look down on her hand on his before looking back at her face.

"Yeah, thanks for caring. So what's with you and Felix. What happened?" Kola asked and Jennifer withdrew her hands from his.

"It's okay if you still don't feel like talking about it," Kola said as he noticed her face fall at his question.

"It's okay Kola. How do I get if off my mind if I don't talk about it?"

"Alright," Kola said and waited for Jennifer to speak.

"So I had an argument with Felix on the night of the company's anniversary party and then I decided to go over to his place the next day and pay him a surprise visit so that we could you know talk things out and make up." Jennifer drew in a deep breath. "To cut the long story short, I was the one who ended up getting surprised because I caught him in bed with another lady."

"Wow, I'm really sorry that he could do such an awful thing to you Jenny and trust me when I say I know how it feels to be cheated on," Kola calmly said.

"You've experienced that before?" Jennifer asked in surprise.

"Yeah, my ex in London cheated on me. Her name is Beverly. Although she initiated the relationship first, I was ready to make something good out of it but then she was looking for something else," Kola said, and Jennifer could finally understand what he meant when he said he understood her pain.

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