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(Y/n POV)

Chaeyoung: Y/n, what do you want to be when you're older?

Y/n: Hmm, I guess I want to be a world-known chef with multiple restaurants. What do you want to be?

Chaeyoung: I really want to be an idol!

She's really cute when she said that, it made me smile. 

We're on a freeway going to a waterpark right now, inside her family car, they invited me because my parents are away for the day. We're on our summer vacation after all. Chaeyoung is my bestfriend since preschool, nobody wants to play with me back then, I was being bullied because of my hobby, cooking. She was the first friend I made, she wouldn't bully me, instead she would cheer me up and protect me from those bullies. I owe her a lot.

Chaeyoung: But then we won't be able to see each other.

Y/n: Don't worry Chae, you can always go to my restaurant if you're hungry. Its free only for you

Chaeyoung: Really! You will let me eat for free?!

Y/n: Of course! I would do anything for my best friend.

Chaeyoung: Ah! Thank you!!

Then she hugged me really tight, like really really tight.

Y/n: Ai-r Chae- I ne-ed air.

Chaeyoung: Oops, sorry hehe.

This girl sure is strong.

Chaeyoung: Y/n can't you stay with me for a week?

Y/n: I dunno. Maybe we c-


There I saw a truck coming from the other lane breaking the concrete barriers. Coming towards us.





















I opened my eyes, I was in a white room, drip attached to my hand, bandages all over my body. All I can think was...


Mom: Y/n! You woke up!

Y/n: Mom, what happened? Where's Chaeyoung?!

Dad: You guys got in an accident, her parents only got small injuries, but she...

Y/n: Is she okay?! Can I see her?!

Dad: She went into a coma, she injured her head, the doctor told us that it's a miracle for her to live, but she may experienced a memory loss.

No. It can't be happening.

Mom: And Y/n... We're moving to England.

Y/n: WHAT?!?!

Mom: Your dad got a new job overseas, we'll be leaving tomorrow.

Y/n: Can I at least say goodbye to Chaeyoung?

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