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It's been a week since Chae and I broke up, we didn't talk after that night, I lost contact with her. I accepted Jay's uncle's offer and will be going to Germany later today, I've sent my resignation to my boss, the kitchen's sad because I have to leave them, they said that they're grateful to have me working with them and wishes the best for me at my new restaurant. I won't forget about them, all the guys that helped me shape the inner chef of me, the guys that helped me reach my potential. I opened my phone and played Spotify.

(Play(must!) -- Done For Me by Punch -- To get the full experience you need to play this, on repeat if you have to.)

I'm currently packing up, it's sad to know that I'm leaving my hometown for the second time, that and of course leaving Chae. I went through our collection of photos together, first, it was on my phone, I have a lot of her pictures, some of them were taken together, but mostly her selfies. I can't hold myself to smile. When those are finished, I used a little box to put all the things I will bring to Germany, I looked through our physical photos and was surprised that I have a lot of them, one even managed to make me shed a tear, the most special picture of them all.

I used to place it next to my bed on top of a cupboard, I remembered that there was a message behind it, I proceed to open the back of it, took the photo out, it reads.

When I'm with you, I feel special.

I put it back inside and searched for other things inside that little box. A case catches my eyes, I took it out and realized that it is the case for our couple rings, I glance at my fingers. 

The most precious of them all.

I hate to do it, but I have to. I took the rings off of my finger and placed it in the black case. This box will be the last of my memories with her, I put the lid on and went downstairs.

Jay: You ready?

Y/n: Yeah, can I have a bit of time to go around town to bring back moments before I left?

Jay: Take your time, I'll wait.

Y/n: Thanks.

I took my keys, helmet and went to my bike, I start it and went for a ride.

The first place, the cafe with a park nearby, it all started there. After searching for a job as a chef that takes ages to get, I sat there drinking a frappuccino mocha while looking through the window into the park. Yes, the park, where I met two sweet little kids, what a nice day that was.

The second place, of course, my restaurant. Where I met TWICE and Chaeyoung for the first time, I wonder, have they replaced me yet? Next, convenient store, right. Dahyun. I knew a lot about her there, first love? I'm not sure, she did take my interest even though the heart denies. I'll remember her for sure.

The third place, mall and the park near it, the place I hung out with two beauties. The mall where I spent time with Dahyun playing arcades, the park where Chaeyoung and I had a little fight. I smiled at that, what a moment with those two girls.

The fourth place, another moment with them, the city centre, right before the new year strikes, the place where I decided to follow my heart because of Dahyun. She did almost took my first kiss, I want to actually feel what it's like to kiss her. Moving aside, I saw the tree where Chae confesses her feelings to me, one of the best moments of my life. It's funny that I went to the place where we become a couple after breaking up.

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