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I'm currently preparing my stuff to go back to my hometown, which is Seoul, Korea. My flight departed at 5:10 pm, so I have about 3 hours of packing up and saying goodbye to my friends. I'll be moving abroad and will probably never come back to this place except for visiting my parents.

Saying goodbye always is the hardest for me, I've never been able to say proper goodbyes. They are one of my hated words, why does it have to exist in the first place? 

Jay: Bro I'll miss you.

Y/n: Don't cry Jay, I'm not dying. And I don't have a plan for it anyway.

Jay: YO! Who's crying?!

Y/n: And what's that? Tears?

Jay: Screw you! Might as well die.

Y/n: Well I still have an hour left in London. What should we do in this remaining time?

Jay: You mean our last date?

Y/n: What?? NO!

Jay: Don't worry Y/n, even if I'm a girl I wouldn't date you.

Y/n: OH WOW.

We decided to spend the entire next hour to play PS4, it was nice destroying him for the last time. After a good hour of playing it's time for me to go, I didn't want to miss my flight and waste thousands of pounds.

The traffic's a little bit jammed because its the time where workers usually came back from a long ass day. I arrived just in time to check out my tickets. Oh and my flight isn't a non-stop flight, I have to transit in Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, so its Heathrow, then Amsterdam, finally I'll arrive at Incheon.









I got my favorite seat in the plane which is near the window. I love it when you just take your last image of the place your leaving, the memories it gives you is just unbelievable.

The captain informs us that we'll be taking off in three minutes, the seatbelt light comes on and the stewardess went around checking every passenger seats. There was no person beside me, one of the stewardess told me that the person sitting next to me cancelled their flight because of health issue. A shame actually, to miss such incredible feeling flying thousands of kilometers above the ground.

The plane started to accelerate its speed and in no time we're up there in the sky soaring through the clouds. My first flight is only an hour long, that's why I didn't get the chance to taste the food, only drinks.

Not long after, the giant bird of steel began descending. I can tell this by watching the monitor in front of me. In just minutes I can see the ground beneath, I've never been to Netherland but I know for sure that this country is beautiful.

Amsterdam Airport Schiphol is a gorgeous place perfect for welcoming tourist into the country, I went around to see what this airport has to offer.

Amsterdam is well known for its artistic heritage, canal systems with houses resembling the legacies of the city's 17th-century golden age. Not just Amsterdam but Netherland in general is a really history packed country, from artist like Vincent Van Gogh to the iconic windmills.







2 hours have passed, now it's time for me to take my second flight from Amsterdam to Icheon. I, once again, checked out my tickets and went inside the plane. I got the same sit positioning as the last one. This time is an overnight flight, it'll be a very long and tired haul.

The plane took off and I cannot take my eyes off the beautiful sight of Amsterdam, coated with sparkling light through the night. I decided to sleep to kill time and relax. I told the stewardess to wake me up when it's time to eat and chooses the menu early so I don't have to pick when I woke up, and off to sleep I go.





I was awoken by the sound of my food being prepared, I honestly don't have high expectations for the taste of food, being a chef didn't change any of my liking in food taste, it stayed the same through the year, but depends on where and when it is served. If it was served on a restaurant, my expectation would be high and I'm not afraid to voice my critics, different to meal-ready food from a minimarket, I would lower it and sometimes loved the food.


I took my luggage from the conveyor belt, I've arrived at Icheon, a whooping 13 total hours have passed, experienced a little bit of jet lag so I'm not tired. It is 15:00 pm, you could say that I'm traveling back in time, and I like that idea.

My parents told me before I leaved them that I will be staying at my old house, I didn't think my house will still be my house after leaving it for seven years, but they said that it was rented. I'll be taking a bus from Incheon to Seoul, adding another hour.





I arrived to the nearest bus stop from my old house. I walked a little bit and there it was, home sweet home, old but never forgotten. I took my keys out and when I want to open the door someone called my name.

???: Are you Y/n?

Y/n: Ah yes.

A little while for me to realize who I'm talking to.

Y/n: Mrs. Son? Sorry I forgot.

Mrs. Son: No, It's fine. We haven't seen each other since forever. You've gotten bigger, have you been working out?

Y/n: Well yeah you can say that. How are you Mrs. Son?

Mrs. Son: Never been so well, thank you. How about you? You came back to live here or just visiting?

Y/n: My parents wants me to pursue my dreams. So here I am. And umm... how's Chae doing?

Mrs. Son: She's fine, she's living with her friends in a dorm so I'm afraid you can't meet her right now. And I'm sorry, I've tried my best but I still can't make her remember you Y/n.

Y/n: Oh... That's fine Mrs. Son.

I felt sad, really sad, by that statement she just gave me. How am I supposed to make her remember me if even her own mom failed. Is there any chance?

Mrs. Son: Well I have to go. Feel free to come to our house.

Y/n: Take care Mrs. Son.

I went inside the house and set all my luggage in my room, I'm surprised by the condition of the house. Nothing really changed beside the missing TV and couch. It strucked me like a lightning, all the memories I've made with Chaeyoung. Sleepovers, homework, family dinner, and every useless little thing we did back then.

 I'm tired. Rest is all I need right now.

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