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(Chaeyoung POV)

I opened my face and saw all nine girls staring at me while smirking.

Nayeon: Do you like the food?

Chaeyoung: Yeah. And why are you all staring at me? I feel uneasy.

Sana: I don't think food is the only thing you like.

Chaeyoung: What do you mean unnie?

Sana: You were spacing out the entire time. 

Chaeyoung: I have a lot of things on my mind.

Did I space out the entire conversation they had with Y/n? Guess I did. But I'm right I had things in my mind.

Tzuyu: Like what?

Chaeyoung: Like how the atmosphere changed when Y/n came to talk with us.

Nayeon: So you have feelings for the chef already? My baby is truly growing up!

Chaeyoung: NO!

Sana: Yes you do, you remember his name even though you were spacing out.

Chaeyoung: N-NO!

Dahyun: You stutter!

Sana: And blushing!

Chaeyoung: No! You're mean!

I proceed to hid my face again. Why do I have to blush? Aghh, Chae control yourself! I've just met him, I haven't even talked to him properly, I can't fall in love at first sight. It's not you Chae. It's not you.


(Y/n POV)

That night went pretty rough, I managed to lower my anxiety but until now I'm still thinking about her, is she really the Chaeyoung I know? I shouldn't think about stuff that can increase my anxiety level, but I can't just ignore the question circling my head, It been a couple of days and I need an answer. Maybe if I asked Jay he'll know, I can't ask him directly though.

The next day nothing was special, everything went perfectly fine, just the way it should be. Same day to day routine, woke up at six, made breakfast, watch Netflix, and then off to work at nine. I haven't seen Jay since that day, I wonder where he went? Kidnapped? Nah, nobody wants to kidnap him, he wouldn't attract predator by his looks. But, he's richer than you can imagine, he is the heir to a business dynasty in England, their family owns shopping centres all across the country. The thousand pounds that he used to buy albums is like a penny to him.

The best thing about him is that he values friendship over money, he would spend hundreds of pounds just to treat his friends, but that's also his weakness, a lot of his "friends" are there only to take advantage of him and his money. I told him the truth once and he responded with "I know, and I don't care, if I can make people happy that's enough for me." A really deep message from him.

I'm on my break right now, no orders are coming to the kitchen, so I decided to take a walk, out of the resto, leaving the hot stove for a minute to feel the cold air outside. Refreshing as always, plus music in ears, couldn't have anything much better than this combination. Well maybe add ice cream to the list.

After a good minute of walking, It's time for me to go back to where I belong, the kitchen. I walked inside through the front door and saw a girl waiting in front of the counter looking for something. Where's Minju anyway, he should standby behind the counter because it's his shift.

Y/n: Can I help you, ma'am?

???: Hi Y/n.

Y/n: Oh, you're one of TWICE's girls right?

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