Date Day 2

683 31 1

(Y/n POV)

I woke up to my buzzing alarm, I set it a little bit early than my usual time as I need to organize stuff for our trip to the tea plantation, such as bus ticket and all boring stuff. I didn't wake Chaeyoung up, I don't want to. She looks peaceful when she sleeps, and her beauty wouldn't disappear either also cute. She's able to not get disturbed by the alarm because I set it in a low volume.  I got up from the bed, pulled the blanket up her body and kissed her forehead. What a sleeping beauty.

(Think of it as a hotel bed)

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(Think of it as a hotel bed)

I took a bath and done my morning routine, I went to the balcony and just stared into the horizon. I don't feel so good for some reason, not that I don't enjoy being with Chaeyoung or anything, It's just...something is bothering me. Maybe I'm nervous. But no, this is not nervousness that I'm feeling, it's different. I felt it just as we arrived here yesterday, and I can't seem to shake it off.

(Chaeyoung POV)

I opened my eyes, but I can't see Y/n beside me, is he up already? I turned around to the other side where the sun blinded my eyes, I can see a silhouette which I think is him. I lazily got up from my bed and approached Y/n from behind, hugging him.

Chaeyoung: Y/n~~

Y/n: Hey sleeping beauty, you're awake.

He turned around and now I'm hugging his chest.

Chaeyoung: It's still too early Y/n, go back to bed~~ Cmon~~

Y/n: We can't.

I inhaled his body odour, the best in my opinion.

Chaeyoung: Mmm~ Why?

Y/n: Because we're leaving for the tea farm remember?

Chaeyoung: It's too early~~

I can stay like this forever, his scent is just too relaxing.

Y/n: It's not too early Chae, the trip takes about 3 hours, you can sleep on the bus if you want.

Chaeyoung: Ahh~~

Y/n: Cmon Chae, we don't wanna be late don't we?

He ruffled my hair.

Chaeyoung: Just five more minutes please~

Y/n: Nope, no more.

Chaeyoung: Fine~

I broke the hug with a sigh and a pout.


(Y/n POV)

We are now at a bus station leading to the mountains, we sat patiently until the bus came. I took Chae's hand and got into the bus taking the back seat. Surprisingly, the bus wasn't full, we were grateful because then we can have our moments together without fans interrupting us.

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