Fireworks Day 3

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(Chaeyoung POV)

I just got a message from an unknown number.

???: Chaeyoung can we meet today? I know you're in Yeosu region, at Hidden Bay Hotel, I lived near that place. I want to meet you personally, I want to talk about something important, I hope you can spare your time with your friend to meet me.

Who is this? How did this person knows I'm here? I didn't even tell my members yet, this trip was entirely made to surprise me. No scrap that, how did this person even know my numbers in the first place?  Y/n was the last person I gave my numbers to.

Y/n: Shortcake~ What are you doing?

He hugged me from the back.

Y/n: Who are you texting? Hm?

Chaeyoung: No one, it's a notification.

I quickly hid the phone.

Y/n: Are you sure? You looked confused.

Chaeyoung: Yeah, it was an absurd notification about real estate.

Y/n: Mmm...maybe you should take a look.

Chaeyoung: Why?

Y/n: You know...for us.

I blushed to the thought of living together with him.

Y/n: Hehe, so where do you wanna go today?

Chaeyoung: Let's go around the city and see what we can find, it's our last day here after all.

Y/n: Sounds good.


(Y/n POV)

Our first place to visit in the city was a mall, she wanted to buy new drawing tools and a new drawing book because she said the one she has is already full. She bought a lot of them, choosing the right tools like a professional artist. When we were done with her shopping, she wanted to play at the arcade, so I took her to an arcade within the mall.

The time passes by like wind, she did well playing those games, I lost a couple of times. I was thinking of buying us a pair of couple ring, and I did. It looks fancy, it's made out of silver with a carving of our initials separated by a heart. I bought it when Chae went to the bathroom so she doesn't know, I will give it to her later today as a gift.

Chaeyoung: Did I take too long?

Y/n: Nope, perfect timing.

Chaeyoung: Oh, then let's go to the park! I saw one when we went here.

Y/n: To the park it is. Come on.

I offered my hand to her in which she took it with a smile.

The park isn't too far from our location so we decided to walk there. I love holding her hand, it's really soft. The park has trees surrounding the perimeter with a fountain in the middle of it, fabulous. We saw an ice cream truck, with Chaeyoung begging and doing aegyo to convince me to buy one, I gave up, I can't resist this little cub.

Y/n: Okay okay, what flavour do you want?

Chaeyoung: Strawberry!

Y/n: You sure love strawberry a lot.

Chaeyoung: Of course! I'm a strawberry queen you know.

Y/n: I know. Stay here, I'll get you one.

Chaeyoung: Thank you!





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