A Friend

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A month has passed since I got this job, I loved it to bits. Everything is beautiful here, the kitchen, utensils, ingredients, and of course the food. As a sous chef, I'm the second in command after executive chefs or you may call it head chef. It's an honour to take that role as a teenager. At first, I thought that I would get a lot of hate from my co-worker because of how young I am to be in that kitchen but no, they all warmly welcomed me. 

As a chef, I worked between 12 to 14 hours a day, it usually started at 9 am and ends at roughly 10 pm nighttime. It can be tiring as a chef, as you don't really have coffee breaks, it all depends on how much orders are coming to the kitchen. So basically we take our breaks in between orders. One time I worked for 3 hours straight without a single break. You might think that it's not a lot but IT IS. This job is brutal and torture for those who seek to become one, you're faced with a hot stove, knife and everything in between. You can expect to work at least 50 hours a week and can go up to 120, not to mention most chef doesn't get any weekdays. But if you're fortunate, your executive chef might give you a timeout when you asked for one.


I have just finished my work, and it's time to clean the kitchen. Today was surprisingly quiet in the restaurant, not much people came, I wonder why? Maybe people are too busy to go eat at a restaurant, but you never know.


Y/n: Jay whats up?

Jay: Y/n guess what?

Y/n: What?

Jay: I'm coming to you.

Y/n: Like? Here? To Korea?

Jay: Yeah, I'm going to Korea. Isn't it cool?

Y/n: Why? Haven't you got university stuff?

Jay: Well, it is why I'm going there. Last week I signed up for a scholarship programme, it was random, I can go anywhere they want me to go. Heck, I can even go to North Korea if they hated me.

Y/n: What majors are you taking anyway?

Jay: Arts.

Y/n: Since when are you interested in arts?

Jay: Since middle school. You just haven't seen any of my works.

Y/n: When are you coming?

Jay: In a week I guess?

Y/n: Cool, I'll pick you up then.

Jay: Nice, have to go, bye.

Finally! I get to have a friend here, not that I don't have one, they're just nowhere to be found right now. Plus, he'll be a great entertainer if I were to have a bad day.

(Chaeyoung POV)

Chaeyoung: Are you guys watching that series again? What's it called?

Dahyun: The End Of The F***ing World? No, we're watching a cooking show.

Chaeyoung: I thought you don't like cooking.

Jihyo: This one's unique, it's in England but the winner is Korean.

Tzuyu: Wait, he's Korean? He looks more like a Japanese to me.

Momo: He looks nothing like Japanese.

Mina: When did he win the show?

Jihyo: He won it 2 years ago, and whats incredible is that he is the youngest to win the show. Ever.

Sana: Woah! No wonder he's cute.

Nayeon: He looks like your age Chaengie.

Chaeyoung: Does that mean he's 16 years old when he did it? Is that even possible?

Dahyun: Well yeah, he proofed it.

Sana: He's cute. I like him.

Nayeon: We got it Sana, he's cute okay.

Jeongyeon: Girls! The foods are here!


A Korean boy winning a world-level show? Seems like this guy is really talented at what he's doing.


I'm on my way to the airport to pick up Jay, he arrived at around 2 pm. You might be wondering how can I possibly pick Jay up when I have work to do? Well my head manager, Mr Park, let me have a break for a day. I've worked hard for teenager he said. I guess I'm his golden boy.

I could've reached the airport faster with my new bike, but I doubt that Jay will have tons of luggage in hands, and I can't bring all of them with me if I used my bike. So I went with the bus.

Y/n: Yo! Jay! I'm here!

Jay: Y/n! You really came! What happened with your job?

Y/n: Lets just say, I am my boss's lost gem.

Jay: Heh. You look more like a dirty sandbag to me.

Y/n: And you are? Oh I know, a burnt clay.

Jay: You wanna start a fight Y/n? Come, I just took a deep slumber in the plane, I'm ready.

Y/n: You're not gonna win with that kind of body. Let's go before we miss the bus.

We mostly chat on the way back, admiring the beauty of Seoul along the way. Time flies really fast when you felt comfortable with someone. No, not that kind of comfortable your thinking, a mate kind of comfortable.

The next days were pretty normal to me, Jay, on the other hand, took a tour around the city,  he can't use my bike cause he doesn't have a license, I wouldn't let him anyway. Mr Park closed the restaurant earlier than usual, it hasn't attracted many people for a while. I guess even a famous restaurant has its regress day.

I've just arrived in front of my house carrying a bag full of snacks and drinks, Jay asked me to buy them for a boys night out. And when I went into the living room I saw three big boxes.

Y/n: What the-

Jay: Finally! where are the snacks?

Y/n: What's that box right there?

Jay: Oh that? I might have bought a little too much TWICE album.

Y/n: What?! Why?!

Jay: Well, I want to go to their fansign so...

Y/n: How much does that cost you?

Jay: Umm... A little over a thousand pounds??

Y/n: A th-thousand POUNDS?!?! I-I'm flabbergasted. You know how much a thousand pounds is right?

Jay: Yes.

Y/n: What're you gonna do with the rest of the albums? You only need one.

Jay: Resell it probably.

Y/n: You're insane Jay.

Jay: I know, I love myself too.

The rest of the night went pretty fast, rounds after rounds of games completed. Still though, a thousand pounds for albums??

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